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8 years ago
And before you ask: I got that hirsuties coronae glandis and that weird knob on the frenulum, but the foreskin was remove due to that know a year ago. It was a vein that had to be removed. >__
8 years ago
That's no instructional film that's a clip of my dong... 20 years ago XD Cool seeing that again :D
9 years ago
This is a short instructional film intended for the edification of all circumcised boys. After all, those who are not circumcised already know how foreskins work. Yes, I have to tell bike 10, commenting below, that you are missing a very basic thrill if you're 'cut'. On the other hand, you may have advantages we, the 'uncut' , know not of. Perhaps you could enlighten us?
12 years ago
My cut cock adores that foreskin.
12 years ago
In fact, it show the most intime caress possible. Hi