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Thanks for coming to my page - here, you can find out more about me if you want. Please do not post naked photos on here.
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- About Me: Each week I will put here a new music video which means something to me. This video link: David Crowder Band
...OK.I'm Rob, straight and married with 2 great teenagers. Quote for Today: "A good friend doesn't tell you what you want to hear, but what you need to hear"
- Here For: <div style="text-align:left"> <font size="-1" color= blue "#8e31a8"> Hi guys. You’ll probably thinking well if I’m straight & married, then why am I here – I’d ask the same question too:)..Well, first things first – I’m not here for the porn – honest! The truth is, I’m a Christian and I think generally the church has wrongly given you guys a hard time. If you only take one thing away from my profile, take this “you are not going to hell because you are gay. Got it? Good”. People have taken one verse out of the whole Bible and taken it out of context. It’s not their fault. I guess there are even some Christians who have hidden prejudices. The truth is Jesus loves you as you are and wants you to know him whether you are LGBT or straight. Another thing - Do you know who Jesus would be walking amongst now? Yep, you’ve got it YOU. Those who people reject but Jesus doesn't. He did it 2,000 years ago and still does now. .. <!-- This version of the embed code is no longer supported. Learn more: --> <object width="300" height="81"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="200" height="181"></embed></object> I’ve been here for over 2 years now, talking to guys just like you. Guys who want to tell me their stories, how they got to where they are now. Sometimes I’ll discuss Christian stuff if they want to, other times they just need to know someone cares and will listen. I make loads of mistakes, but I know I’m still loved by God and so are you. God never said you have to choose between Him or being gay. He accepts you as you are. <iframe width="220" height="220" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> I’m a sensitive guy. If you see an emotional film with me, you’ll see tears rolling down my face..lolol. Yes, a straight guy who shows his emotions...lololol. There really are some of us about:):) I’m here because God cares. So, if you would like to share or chat, just pm me. Am I here to make you straight?…. No way. You are who you are and who you are meant to be.
- Favorite Categories: NA
- Ideal Partner: <div style="text-align:left"> <font size="-1" color= blue "#8e31a8">Found her already!
- Erogenic Zones: <style type=text/css> .pimp_my_profile { Generated at Pimp My Profile } #profile-container { background-color:transparent; border:none; border-width:0px; } .subsection, .subsection-separator { width:100%; max-width: 600px; } table table table table { width:100%;; } body { background-image:url(; background-position:Center Center; background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat:repeat; border-color:#000000; border-width:4px; border-style:Groove; scrollbar-face-color:#ffffff; scrollbar-highlight-color:#2266FF; scrollbar-3dlight-color:#2288FF; scrollbar-shadow-color:#2244FF; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#2222FF; scrollbar-arrow-color:#ffffff; scrollbar-track-color:#ffffff; } .subsection, .section h2, .section h1 { border-style:Groove; border-width:4px; border-color:#ffffff; background-image:url(; background-attachment:fixed; } .text { color:#textcolor; } #pageMessages { background-image:url(; padding-top:20px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top left; } </style> <div style="text-align:center"> <font size="2" color= blue "#8e31a8"><b> <b> Do you feel like your sinking and there is no-one to turn to? Here are some sites that might be useful. Hover just underneath the picture for information and click to go there..</b> <div style="text-align:left"><font size="2" color="#ffffff"><b>First</b></font> <div style="text-align:center"><a </font><font size="2" color=#D02090"><b>.... </b> </font> <div style="text-align:center"> <a <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 5772a6e3-48ca-4869-aeb6-2c40ecf6c959_zps6675ecee.jpg"/></a> <div style="text-align:center"><a href="" target="_blank" title=" When some people chat with Groundwire they are afraid to talk about the real reason they came on to chat. Please don't worry, or be afraid - you can chat with them about whatever is on your mind, whatever is bothering you. They want you to feel able to ask them that question you have always wanted to ask or to tell them that secret that you have always wanted to share with someone. Here are some of the things some of the questions people have asked ... Where was God when I was raped? Why didn't God stop the abuse? Does God exist? How do I get rid of this addiction? How do I get rid of these thoughts and images from my mind? I want to stop cutting Help I am addicted to porn Why does nobody care? Help I am addicted to sex I just want to die, nobody will miss me Why does everyone hate me? Whatever you want to tell them or ask them they are here to help and provide you with HOPE and a reason not to give up. You don't have to be a Christian to get their help." <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 59b3fa6c-6986-450b-a5a9-17a1c8040830_zpsa3d534fd.jpg"/></a>
- Turn Ons: <div style="text-align:left"><font size="2" color="#ffffff"><b>First</b></font> Only my wife knows and she's learning all the time:) <div style="text-align:center">
- Turn Offs: <div style="text-align:left"> <font color= blue "8e31a8"> <div style="text-align:left"> <font size="-1" color= blue "#8e31a8">...<b> People who think they are superior to others because of their looks, status in life, class or money. People who have it all, but aren't prepared to share any of it. Those who have loads, and want more. <font size="-1" color= black "#8e31a8"> Previous video links: <font size="-1" color= blue "#8e31a8"> I Need A Miracle by Third Day <iframe width="220" height="220" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <font color= blue "8e31a8"> <div style="text-align:left"> <iframe width="200" height="200" Forgiveness by Matthew West src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <div style="text-align:left"> <font color= blue "8e31a8"> <div style="text-align:left"> <font size="-1" color= blue
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- Interested In: Girls