Send Message to nativeloser
- City: Arizona
- Country:
- About Me: im still in the closet but i find myself checking out guys. I am very shy at first so talk to me or message me.
- Here For: fun, pics, and videos and friends
- Favorite Categories: dudes
- Ideal Partner: young and hung, latino, asian, skaters, bmxers
- Erogenic Zones: ballsack and inner thigh
- Turn Ons: i like people who are fun, open, loose shoes (skateshoes or nike) white socks. i have a foot/sneaker fetish. Pics and videos of young dudes, skaters, bmxers, latino, asian, just cute dudes.
- Turn Offs: assholes and idiots
- hometown:
- Occupation: Being Me!
- Company: NA
- School: NA
- Interested In: Guys