*****PLEASE READ*****Hi to all gbt members, I sent an email message to gbt administration, so, I don't know if my pages will be removed from the site or not. I complained about the numerous uploads not being allowed on my pages when they come from gbt archives. Not only that, uploads submitted by me not approved seem to be approved when other members submit them. The videos submitted come from gbt archives, and I assume to be legal. Not only that, but, I see other uploads where the individual(s) in the video are young but are uploaded notwithstanding! If any member were to surf the site, they will see this. What am I to really think? Has someone targeted me for reasons that are self-serving or has a rouge employee at gbt themselves targeted me for…? I truly try to post videos I like and think other gbt members would like also, however, too many uploads are now not being allowed. I want to mention that there is a pattern present at gbt as to when uploads aren't being approved and or removed from my pages. Furthermore, I hope gbt will answer my request as to why, so many of my uploads are not allowed while other members video uploads are with younger appearing individual(s) in those submitted videos . At this time, I really don't care if gbt removes my account. After all, if I can't participate at the site, then why be here, for what, to see so many bad quality videos from too many that have been sliced and diced. Have a great day to all gbt members, and remember that there are some other wonderful sites worth looking into.********Welcome to my page, with time I will upload videos and pictures I truly like. I will at times post a picture of myself, however, never will I disclose that it is me. My first name is Madison, middle Johanna, and I am a boy, notwithstanding my name. Members who post to my wall, please understand if I remove your post, it will be due to either my wall is and or beginning to appear too much like that of other members walls. I love that some members want to post at many walls of other members, so, please take no offense if I were to remove your post, I truly mean this. Please don't post any child pornography to my wall…! You'll know what it is when you see it, so, please don't post it, I will flag and remove it.