Send Message to johnh86122
- City: Chicago
- Country:
- About Me: I'm a guy who has looked deep within myself, and discovered needs most people don't have. That forever changes the way we look at ourselves. Finding others, finding community, that's the best thing.
- Here For: NA
- Favorite Categories: NA
- Ideal Partner: I love dorky boys: glasses, acne, teeth braces, video game addiction, skinny arms and legs. If you have a Yahoo username and password, go to to see my shrine to them.
- Erogenic Zones: NA
- Turn Ons: Intelligent,questing for knowledge,search for logic.
- Turn Offs: I've offered video after video after video here, and been refused by the moderators. Okay. Go to to see lots more of my videos.
- hometown:
- Occupation:
- Company: NA
- School: NA
- Interested In: Guys