evil boy hole filler
I am the reincarnation of an ancient Arsenokoitai, from thousands of years ago. I seek the penetration of puberes exoleti, mollis, impudicitia. Young males who wish to be explored in a way that represents 2000 years of young male humans being dominated by their older aggressive masters. Of the Bacchanalian explosions of sexuality and raw human desire of Caligula, Tiberius, Elagabalus. We have a biological right to this, and to deny it denies what makes us human. This is part of our blood, our genetics, our hematological fate, and to turn away from that reality is antithetical to our very D.N.A. REJECT THE VALUES OF THE MODERN WEST. TURN AWAY FROM WHAT WE HAVE BUILT AND RETURN TO TRADITION. FUCK BOYS. FUCK THEM UNTIL THEY CRY. boyholefiller