Send Message to Paasi91
- City:
- Country: United States
- About Me: I've hid who i am for so long i'm not sure how to come face to face with myself. I'm slowly gaining confidence in myself and learning to live with my sexuality and to be who I'm meant to be.
- Here For: Im here for the joy of life and what everyone has to offer.
- Favorite Categories: All of the above.
- Ideal Partner: Someone who wants to have fun.
- Erogenic Zones: At this point, just touch me and I'll be horny.
- Turn Ons: Blowjob, rimjob, self fuck, self facial. Getting fucking, and doing the fucking.
- Turn Offs: One way street if you know what i mean.
- hometown: East Coast
- Occupation:
- Company:
- School:
- Interested In: Guys