I myself posted this banner to my wall, just to show it to you how it looks! To prevent funny misunderstandings: My wall is not deactivated!!!
VERY URGENT, TOP IMPORTANT NEWS: All inactive walls get deactivated now, you can not post on them anymore, and if you don't wanna loose forever your GBT accounts/walls/friends/messages/videos/pics/blogs, you instantly need to log-in once more into your old accounts/walls, to prevent to get nuked!!! If you have problems with your log-in or with passwords or if you have been nuked already, because your inactivity, you should report that, by the use of a new account, in the Help Blog 404: https://www.gayboystube.com/blog/71668.html PS: Don't report in 404 the deactive walls you can't post on them anymore, cause these deactivated walls become simply deleted after the report, instead to help the poor unsuspecting members!!!
Oh man, Nick, would you please allow the blocked words "ratingStars, rate" finally again??? And allow UTF-8 Windows screen keyboard Symbols/Emojis finally again???
Welcome! If you are interested: I like longhaired androgyneous boys, esp. Emo Boys! How you see, he turns me on, drives me crazy! BOAH!
Mr.Bean - Johnnie English about the so called "Help Blog 404", this blog is, under other things, one funny meeting point for Asshole Contenders, whoops: It is not very healthy to visite this blog in which sometimes extremely intolerant, hatefilled militant Assholes contineously kick other tolerant members in their balls for their meanings about the liberal GBT content or for their sexual orientations (Bi- or hetero)!
To new members: Don't wonder if no one posts to you, your walls are blocked for posts! It's a wall pre-setting, but you can change that in your wall settings, if you want! There is only for you and your friends a posting window on your wall, unfriended members only see this grey banner:
I myself posted this banner to my wall, just to show it to you how it looks! To prevent funny misunderstandings: My wall is not blocked!!!
Alfi likes cats!
Just rightclick the last two video windows to see a menue! Start/stop playing with the space key! Videos don't load if you don't play them, started once the vids get loaded completely unstoppable. 2.Video: 160MB! Use left/right key to skip backwards/forwards and up/down keys to change the volume of the great background music: Video 2: The Hollies - Just One Look & Haddaway - What Is Love!
Isn't he the greatest "Plagiarist"?, hats off for Alfi! Aren't we all plagiarists who post hundred-year-old pictures???
Flaggers: Notorious flag button pushers, with other words criminal pic thiefs/collectors, pic deleters and professional kidnappers! Whoops, LOL!
I'm not an Emoboy, i swear, i only look alike, he he!