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Don't Stop when you're Tired. Stop When You're Done.
Everybody comes to a point in their life when they want to quit. But it's what you do at that moment that determines who you are. I have failed at several things in my life, and failure is an option. It's what you do with the failure that makes you. Our failures mold us. What sets some of us apart, is that when we fail, we can't sleep at night. It haunts us until we have our time at redemption. As human beings, we run away from pain and suffering. This is ingrained in our brains. But if we become conscious of this pattern and deliberately do the things that we fear, we will begin a journey of lasting greatness, and to truly become great and unstoppable, you need to go inside yourself into introspection and find who you are. Go sit alone in a room. Ponder over the course of your life, how it has shaped you, what desires you developed along your journey, notice any important transitions and how they changed you. You need to read your own book. We have a tendency to run away from the truth. When things are not working, it is easy to blame this or that. In order to emerge stronger on the other side, we need to accept our faults. to fix this, I gotta read my book. Okay, I’m afraid of my shadow. How can I overcome that? Get out of your comfort zone. Join the Forces, or the local boxing club, get your ass kicked. Do things you hate to do. Be uncomfortable every day of your life. When life gets tough, you need to count on your strengths. In times of suffering, we forget who we really are. You are not the weak person your mind may be trying to tell you, you are the person that has survived tough times in the past. You are your achievements. One of the most powerful tools we have is our imagination. Visualize yourself succeeding, living the life you want, celebrating the peak of your success with your friends and family. Not only long term, you can visualize for daily challenges as well. You can do it with your workout, your job, your love life, anything. If you ever set out to do something, invest hundred percent of your energy in it. Don’t take a half-assed approach. you’re going to do it anyway, so you might as well go hard. Use accountability in our daily life to become the person we want to be. If something doesn’t feel good, write it down and fix it as soon as possible. I tried to do so many things to fit in. But when you look in the mirror, that’s the one person you can’t lie to. External things cannot transform your life, They can give you a spark, but unless you create a vision, see the person you want to be in your mind, your life will remain the same. Cognitive skills require conscious intellectual effort and are based on reasoning, remembering, and thinking. For example, solving a puzzle or writing an essay require cognitive skills.
Non-cognitive or soft skills include integrity, mental toughness, work ethic, curiosity, vision, decisiveness, and interpersonal interaction. Non-cognitive skills are about a person’s attitude and personality. You need to see the future ahead of yourself, how you want to live. Keep in touch with that vision every single day. Again this is about going inside yourself. You must learn to work hard, show courage, and have self-discipline. Overcoming adversity requires all the non-cognitive skills. In the end, being fearless, being not afraid to face your fears will make you happy.
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- About Me: I'm a different type of person. I have a different charisma. I'm not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy, A lot of people don't understand me. When I score the winning goal near the end of a big game, I see that people are ecstatic, but I'm thinking about what I'm going to do tomorrow. It's as If my Journey is everlasting and there is no end.
- Here For: A good time
- Favorite Categories: NA
- Ideal Partner: Human
- Erogenic Zones: My olfactory bulb, gustatory cortex , and cerebrum.
- Turn Ons: NA
- Turn Offs: NA
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