Create New Blog EntryWhat are the best blogs for info on how to do stuff to have sex with another dude or whatever walks by? Videos are nice and all, but not very help. I'm sure the hard parts of the dating and prepin' for the first fuck aren't shown in these. They all seem to chase/skip to the end. All I know is to bring lube and condoms. What are the steps to get to a great experience for both of us? I'm sure I'll just fail once I finally find some guy/girl to do it with. So far, not much luck. I'm too broke to do much but think about it. Small towns suuuuck in the worse ways these days...Â
Since I wored from even before the pandemic Im not used to getting up before eight, and starting work before nine. This hospital stay is going to drive me crazy. The RNs and CNAs certainlly do not let you sleep past six. 6am the orthopedic surgeons come in and check the progress of my knee. At 7am the CNAs come in to checck my blood sugar since I'm diabetic. Then finally at 8am the RN comes in to give me the morning medications. I am so out of it by 8sm I can barely get up, but I manage to in ordeerr to request my braekfast. At least this is goiong to be a short stay. I can make it! lol
The only thing you prove is your impotence. This is a porn site; what do you actually think you're accomplishing by reeeeeeeee-ing here?