problems with download
zendenrd2000 Last Activity 11 years ago 408 views 4 comments Post Comment
Hi guys, can anyone help? hen I try to download I don't get the usual box anymore but Quick time player pops up. For a while I could download from this with real player but that's not appearing anymore so can't download anything. Please help someone it's so frustrating!!!!
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Requesting Friendship
Last Activity 11 years ago 450 views 11 comments Post Comment
I just have to get some insight on proper etiquette,when a member request friendship,Is it taboo to at least go to the members page that you requested friendship and say hey are you,stop by and chat? Is it frowned upon to at least get some kind of response when a member initiates contact? I don't expect to impose a member to chat via skype or any other means of communication but if you request friendship just say Hello... Glad to meet ya :) dRAY
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I am very horny, you???
santuxxx Last Activity 11 years ago 629 views 8 comments Post Comment
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gdoogie18 Last Activity 10 years ago 386 views 3 comments Post Comment
<p>finally got my new account...used to be g_doogie19..but accout was deleted when site was it's start over time for me...thanks Terry for your help</p> <p>
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Last Activity 10 years ago 841 views 21 comments Post Comment
<p>"Hello, anyone here?"</p> <p>I'm coming home, coming back to my love, and find an empty place, seem to be deserted. I was wondering about the dark weird clouds covering this part of the world when I approached. I shout the names of some friends, but I got no reply. No one is here anymore, I feel lonely and look around. This is not my home anymore.</p> <p>What happened to this place? What happened to our home?</p> <p>I rewind the good times, I rewind the bad times. Looking backwards my memories of the good times are much more present. I had fun, I got hurt, I had friends, I lost friends, I felt home, I felt alone, but i found love. Love was all around, people took care, we had a big family. But now ... I feel dizzy, I shiver, I'm freezing.</p> <p>This place is desolate, bleak, boring, loveless and dead. My heart is heavy, where is he? Frightened and uncertain my eyes try to find a sign of life, only a small sparkle of hope. A slightly cough comes from behind a corner, I look around and on a bench hidden behind a miserable dead tree I notice a creature taking a nervous puff of his cigarette. I come closer and he looks up to me.</p> <p>"Hey Chris, you're back?" The voice sounds familiar, but this cannot be, I take another look and god help me, a pale and emaciated face is staring at me, I can hardly recognize him, one of my friends.</p> <p>"You? God, what happened to you?"</p> <p>"The war, it was like hell." He throws his cigarette careless behind. "Where have you been?"</p> <p>"I was busy with studying and you know what happened the last time I was here, I needed some distance to fight with my demons, but it was only four weeks ago, this could not happen in such a short time."</p> <p>"You have no idea, it started weeks before you left, first slowly, but the signs where all around and we ignored them."</p> <p>"But how could it come so far?"</p> <p>"First there were only some words, some guys changed arguments, they used hurtful words, they insulted and dissed, but it seemed to be harmless, it was fun between only a few guys, but innocent get involved, they caused suffering and pain, people get hurt, wounds and scars remained. Remember, you were hurt."</p> <p>"Yes, I know, but they didn't want to hurt me, they were just joking and didn't think that their words could hurt me or anyone else, they were playing their own game."</p> <p>"That's the point, they didn't look at the consequences, maybe it was only a game, but it turned into a battle and escalated into a war that no one could win."</p> <p>"But there are so many good guys taking care, stopping the fights. There is you."</p> <p>"Some of them were infected by the virus and started new fights themselves, some of our friends got unmasked and showed their real faces. It was horrible. I couldn't do anything, it was hopeless, I was helpless. Every day one of us capitulated or disappeared. I couldn't count the victims anymore, your boyfriend was the last. Wherever I fought against a fire, a hundred others kindled around me. I surrendered." His voice got tearful and he lights another cigarette. A few seconds ago I thought I can see a sparkle of hope in his eyes, but I am wrong, his eyes are starring expressionless to the other site of the place. He doesn't attend me anymore, he doesn't even notice me. He turned into one of them.</p> <p>What have you done to this place? What have you done to our home?</p> <p>The war of words washed away everything that meant a lot to me. The good ones are gone, some zombies and bullies stayed. Turning around and leaving, my steps are the only noises, silent echoes subside, the only trace left. I don't look back. A lonely tear searching its way down my cheek, I will miss this place, i will miss the last few friends I'm leaving. It was always good to come back home, but sometimes it's time to say goodbye, time for a new start.</p> <p>A cold wind is blowing behind me, I turn up the collar, winter is coming. I hear steps in front of me, a shadow is coming closer. It's weird, I'm not scared, i feel save. My love. No word. Just one kiss and he takes my hand. Together we're leaving. The echoes of our steps disappear. Silent echoes. -CA-</p> <p><img src="" alt="" width="500" height="271" /></p> <p>
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I Love You BillyBoy96 My booboo
Last Activity 10 years ago 435 views 19 comments Post Comment
<p><img src="" alt="" width="500" height="405" /></p> <p>
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Amanda Lepore , One of my favorite Trangendered Females in the World
Last Activity 10 years ago 381 views 8 comments Post Comment
<p><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" alt="" width="400" height="307" /></p>
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great new Gay TV ad from Hotwire
gm4yngr Last Activity 10 years ago 348 views 2 comments Post Comment
<p>I saw a new ad on TV featuring a gay couple. I think Hotwire deserves our business for airing this ad. Here's a link to the ad:
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Better photo uploads
prettyangelboi Last Activity 10 years ago 468 views 1 comments Post Comment
<p>Somebody needs to make a better photo upload feature on this site. It's disappointing that it is so time consuming just to upload photos, and then there is the long approval time which no other site that I'm on has to have admins preapprove photos. That is something I'd expect from a major dating site like, eHarmony, etc. but not an amateur porn site?!</p>
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What percentage are you
Last Activity 9 years ago 572 views 18 comments Post Comment
<p><img src="" alt="" width="500" height="281" /></p> <p>
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Last Activity 9 years ago 351 views 10 comments Post Comment
<p><img src="" alt="" width="300" height="225" /></p> <p>
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Let It Snow
Last Activity 9 years ago 319 views 1 comments Post Comment
<img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" alt="" width="575" height="390" />
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R.I.P. Frank Wolf.
Last Activity 9 years ago 647 views 11 comments Post Comment
<p>Cosplayer Frank Wolf committed suicide at the young age of 20 due to copious amounts of online bullying last year. Well known for his pretty androgynous looks, gaining plenty of fans also gained him unnecessary hate and bullying which lead to his recent suicide. R.I.P. to a beautiful soul.</p> <p><img src="" alt="" width="717" height="960" /><br />
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HEY NICK! We all pitched in and bought you a sports car!
Last Activity 9 years ago 408 views 8 comments Post Comment
<p style="text-align: center;"><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" alt="" width="433" height="262" /><strong>Ummmm.....never mind.</strong></p> <p> </p>
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Uploading Pics
daksaw00 Last Activity 9 years ago 286 views 0 comments Post Comment
<p>Okay, how do you upload imagesjQuery18202044120980426669_1432211974943? When I click on the Create New Photo Album link, it takes me to a page where I should be able to upload pics...I give the album a name and then selected like a dozen images from a folder. It starts to upload them, but, every time, on the 3rd or 4th image, it aborts. I've used a different set of pics, and it does the exact same thing, always aborting the upload after 3 or 4 pics. They're all .jpg images, all about the same size (150-200kb or so)...I see others have uploaded a LOT of images, so, I know it's possible...what am I doing wrong???</p>
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jasonsboy Last Activity 7 years ago 691 views 5 comments Post Comment

After Jason fucked me in the stairwell of the parking garage where he works he calls me a few hours later and  says I need  you to clean your boypussy really good shave your balls trim your pubes and put on a clean jock I have a suprise so I waited over two hours I am wondeing is he bringing straight guys home to fuck me again he finally shows up with a  set of twins that turned 18 last week. He met them at a gas staion and hit hard on them got back to their apartment and blew 2 loads up each their asses then they fucked each other Jason has pics Jason brings them over here I fuck them both they have loads up their asses the were all lubed up from cum Jason  said hes been hittin their boypussies  for like 2.5 hours got them to fuck me their dicks were kind of small like 5 inches  and I am used to Jasons 9.5 inch thick cock so they failed in the cock department they each blew a load in my ass Jason then jason said he had to get them back he didnt know when he'd be back I'm like dude hit them boypussies agajn he said I am trying they been fucked a lot today Tim  they get tons of loads  being hot twins and take most of of the cock that comes their way they are cock pigs hell you just popped a load in them I have loads in them and they had loads in them when I fucked them I said you have to get back in those pussies so they crave your big cock Jason he said I know I need to fuck them;like 2 or 3 more more times  and I bet I could ruke those boypussies he said I gotta go I said do what you have Jason call me later he sent me pics of him hittin those boypussiesagain blowing a load up  both their asses they will crave his big thick cock its fucking magic he pounds their little asses enough they will want his big thick cock all the time like I do its  like you can never say no to his cock those two dudes are such cum sluts cock just flies to them and they even fuck each other jason said they had loads in them when he fucked them the first time  and I felt a lot of cum in their asses when I blew my load up their asses and damn their holes could take a lot of cock there was a lot of play in their asses these dudes  are getting tons of loads every single day their dick are 5 inches and skinny a lousy fuck if they were not twins I'd never let them fuck me again I am hoping Jaoin gets to stay over night just plowing their pussies




























i  clulg\d fuck them twi mire timmes I could get them  

















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fav ass #1
Last Activity 8 years ago 377 views 9 comments Post Comment

For more check out my favourite photos

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Last Activity 8 years ago 466 views 0 comments Post Comment

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So... My Clever Boys. Where Are We Now?
Jayden Last Activity 8 years ago 600 views 14 comments Post Comment

Just name the place and you'll possible be a millionaire! In VND of couse.

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