twinkgroupie's Blogs

Ever wondered?

twinkgroupie Blog Last Activity 13 years ago 797 views 3 comments
My cock is cut but I have always wondered what it would be like to be uncut. I've read somewhere that it makes a person feel an orgasm better when un cut. Does anyone ever wonder what it would be like to have the opposite of what u have?


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13 years ago

an uncut is unsightly and very unhealthy....just don't understand why more men are not cut?

13 years ago

I have been lucky enough to experience being uncut and cut. I got cut at 16 and have no regrets. There are times that I wish I were still uncut but there are just as many that I'm glad I'm cut. I know there are at least a million opinions on this and this is just mine. I enjoy my orgasm's just as much now as I did before. There is a different feeling but it's just as good if not better. I like guys that are cut or uncut about the same. Both have a big advantage over the other. Neither is better in my opinion.
Just my two cent's worth.

13 years ago

Actually, there are a number of guys who have done 'foreskin restoration', me included. The process does not result in an entire restoration. The frenulum is gone for good during circumcision. But the various foreskin restoration techniques all have the objective of gently and gradually stretching the skin on the shaft so that there is enough skin to cover the tip of the penis. I've done that and can keep the tip of my penis covered so long as I'm wearing jockey or bikini briefs. Of course, the tip is uncovered when I have an erection. The covering of the tip of the penis keeps the skin of the tip from rubbing against your underwear. Over time, that rubbing does tend to lessen the sensitivity of the tip. Also, any natural body oils are retained when the tip is covered. When I masturbate, I keep shaft skin between my hand and the tip of my penis. The build-up to and the actual orgasm are far superior than when I used to jackoff with my hand simply rubbing back and forth around the tip of my penis. I tried numerous techniques and devices for foreskin restoration. Any involving tape and/or weights I disapprove of. The best system I've found is at The owner is usually available on weekends for a phone call since he is an engineer of some sorts during the week. I used the YourSkin Restoration Cone and the TLC Packer. By the way, I just turned 66 and everything is still working really well. If you want to see how good shape a 66 year old can be, check my photos of me on my profile. I have more available.