ZanyZander's Blogs

So we are supposed to believe that this is normal and just one of those things, huh?

ZanyZander Blog Last Activity 2 years ago 287 views 2 comments

So we are supposed to believe that this is normal and just one of those things, huh?     I can count on two hands how in the thirty years I have been driving across town how many times an ambulance with its lights and sirens have sped past me.     Since August of 2021 I have had it happen every. single. day.      On the few that it hasn't happened there were and are the days where I had two or three that did so.     No one is going to convince me that there is not genocide going on all around us and people don't know it or they won't acknowledge it for whatever reasons.     The way I see it the far, far, far worse is yet to come in the next two to seven years.    I hope I am just fucking wrong.    The insurance companies say that I am not.


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