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Default nice.
Who else is nice as there first option? Do you understand why? Do you understand the hardship of being nice? Do you have any idea how hard it is to be nice to everyone? It's not hard as in hard to be nice. it's hard as in hard to accept what people say when you are. They don't believe you or they think you are being nice for a different reason. Why can't I just want everyone to be happy and live peacefully? Why do so many people hate so much.
This is the world we live in. So many closet cases out there are married and in hiding that the only place they can be their real selves is on here. The veil of anonymity gives them a feeling of empowerment. They can say anything do anything and they think no one knows who they are. Got news for you fellas, it is now possible to track your I.P. address in seconds. Those of you who like to bully and fight might want to take it down a notch unless you want your victim to show up at your door. Same goes for those who post watch and download kiddie porn. Their I.P. is instantly logged into a database, the algorithm monitors that person till enough evidence is compiled. There is no such thing as privacy .
i totally agree with you whocares ---i am nice to everyone out there even though i never get it back in return from those i am nice to--and as time goes on--it seems there are more people that is angry and hateful and think the have the right to be--which they do--but i have come to the point that those who arent nice to me anymore---i wont do anything for them---you can only be nice for so long
Ok boomer
Being nice is only a thing for me in real life. Being nice in the virtual world of the internet has no meaning. Being nice to someone has an immediate return because I get to see the results of my niceness. I get to see a smile.
I would rather be nice to people on the Internet it's more of a challenge.