alanrodgers's Blogs

The Ballad of Bobby Allen

alanrodgers Blog Last Activity 2 years ago 156 views 0 comments

  In Camden Town, where I was born,

There was a fair lad dwelling,

And all young men to him paid court,

For he was gay and willing.

His lips were ruby, ruby red

Whenever he gave head

Twas almost ev'ry sunset.

His tongue was wet and passionate

and licked so softly any fellow

 His lads felt drained and mellow.

Oh boys, oh men why do you sin

and make your mothers sorrow?

For they  would  want a babe or two

to hope for their tomorrow.

But Bobby boy would give such joy

To every lad he gave love

Those happy lads will ne'er regret

The sweet ass that they met

Or cum they've given freely.

It's always good to loose your wood

By screwing Bobby Allen.

      Sing to the English ballad, "Barbara Allen"


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