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People in the UK will soon have to verify their age to view porn
The onslaught of new laws to make porn on the internet less accessible (because clearly that’s the most urgent issue we’re facing at the moment) doesn’t show any signs of slowing down.
Germany wants to block some of the biggest porn sites unless they implement strict age-verification measures that could expose users private data. France promptly followed suit. Now the UK is implementing similar plans.
The UK’s Conservative government has revived plans to make pornography websites carry out age checks, which would require British users to provide data such as their credit card or passport details to prove they are over 18. Ministers said the forthcoming online safety bill will be altered to ensure that commercial porn sites are brought within its scope, updating the draft legislation, which now applies to providers of user-generated pornography such as OnlyFans.
The policy of introducing age checks on pornography was first announced by the Conservatives during the 2015 general election campaign but has repeatedly run into difficulties. Two years ago the government abandoned its previous plans to introduce age verification for adult sites when faced with technical difficulties, concerns from privacy campaigners and a legislative oversight.