rastriker95's Blogs

Does Anyone Else Think This is Crazy?

rastriker95 Blog Last Activity 3 years ago 160 views 1 comments


When I was a kid I remember an online game called "Second Life".  Does anyone else remember that?  It was basically like live action SIMS.  But it's a game!  There is no way that I'm paying for something if I don't get a tangible benefit out of it.  How many people the last two years who are going broke, or close to it, have spent money on these onlne games?  Candy Crush anyone?

How much are these digital shoes going to cost?  My guess: probably as much as the real thing, if not more.  And people wonder why this country is broke.  One of the things I told myself when I graduated high school was that I was not going to go into debt.  If I couldn't buy it with cash, then I didn't need it.  That included my first cell phone out on my own.  I took pubic transportation to work until I made enough to buy a car.  I still use public transportation most of the time becausee Los Angeles traffic sucks.

I have a lot of gamer friends and not of their games require in game purchases.  It's just another way that corporate America is sucking out every dimee from those living on the edge.  Like the lottery, these games are nothing but a tax on the pool.  I've never met a rich, or well to do person, who says they play the lottery or in game purchase games.  They didn't get rich by donig that.  

I HOPE that you are not playing these games or the lottery either.  Invest the money to make more money. Don't just throw it in the trash cam.


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3 years ago

Second Life still going... I've been in SL for over 15 yrs.