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Lockdowns killed 228,000 children in South Asia says U.N. Report.
Lockdowns killed 228,000 children in South Asia says U.N. Report.
OR I MIGHT take the vaccine. Thanks for ass-uming things about me without asking. With that said I don't know that I will or won't. Hence, why I am asking all over the place all sorts of questions but I have a good doctor and will end up listening to him...I promise. Don't worry, PatrickHenry87, I pay for my healthcare. I'm not dependent upon you or the public. I'm sure that that was what you were concerned about. Maybe I misunderstood you when you were SCREAMING at me, lol. Did I raise your temper or blood pressure level darling? :)
Too afraid or too stupid to wear a mask, then stay in your underground shelter. You don't have the right to infect anyone else including healthcare workers. Nor do you have a right to get healthcare when you get covid-19. In other words, grow the fuck up.