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Any tips on shaving pubes hair

hammervice Blog Last Activity 2 years ago 2.9K views 19 comments

What is the right or wrong ways to shave pubes ?



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2 years ago

I use to shave. Not anymore. My GF and BF likes it natural. I do nice little trim

2 years ago

Just Do It.

4 years ago

careful trimming...when i was about 18 i snipped some long hairs and cut into my penis head with scissors. sliced right in like paper. it bled and i freaked out. healed nicely though and no scar. longest period i went without jacking since puberty.

4 years ago

Yes ,,Dont shave them off,,It`s so itchy growing back !   Trimmed pubes looks so much better !

4 years ago

How about this 


4 years ago

I had someone shave my pubes with a straight edge. Of course it grew back a bit course. Since then I continue to shave them smooth.

4 years ago

don't it hurts like a sob

4 years ago

I shave it all off 

4 years ago

I just trim

4 years ago

What works great: take a full shower with hot water. Liberally apply jojoba oil to your scrotum, taint* and cock. Apply Gillett for sensitive skin shaving cream and allow to marinate for a minute or so. Use the Gillette Mach 5 for sensitive skin, (don't get more sensitive than that area,) if available since it is almost impossible to nick yourself with it. Shave slowly and gently (**see warning #1 below} Oh, and try to shave with the grain/direction the hair is growing. After shaving rinse well and re-apply jojoba oil.

Rinse and repeat every couple days.

The boy in this image is using a disposable razor which is the worst thing you should do. A high quality multi blade like mentioned earlier is recommended - it's worth the investment.

*Warnings #1) If using clippers to pre-shave longer hair be very careful. I once sliced open my scrotum. Blood everywhere and I do mean everywhere. I thought I'd bleed to death. Required stitches. 

**Warning #2) If/when you decide you don't want to hassle with shaving the boys, prepare for one to two weeks of stinging and itching. I know of what I speak.

* Taint: taint your balls and taint your asshole 

My personal preference is a neatly manscaped bush and shaved balls. Completely shaved sometimes make that area look like a little girl.

I didn't mean to write a novel. TTFN

4 years ago

wow what does mom and dad think cute

4 years ago

In the shower is best. The boy in this pic I wouldn't  mind shaving but I'd spend all the time sucking his cock 

4 years ago

Rub with a solution of bleach and hydroxychloroquine. Much better than waxing or shaving. Be aware of sterility and dementia as side effects. Just do it, what have you got to lose?

4 years ago

Be sure to use plenty of warm water to make your hair soft and pliable. Use a good shaving cream and a reliable safety razor, never use a straight razor or you are risking your family jewels! After you are completely smooth, use a soft baby oil or the like and let set for a short while. Then enjoy your new baby smooth genitals!

4 years ago

Oh Hell just bite down on a wooden dowel and get your nether regions waxed. Kidding Don't do that.

4 years ago

get someone to use clippers to get the longest part gone then let him use a straight razor to shave your balls--trust me when he gets done its smooth as hell and no irritation

4 years ago

I use electric clippers first.  Gets rid of most the hair. Then go to the shave cream and razor. Just go very slow--and squeeze your balls tight and stretch everything out so the area you are shaving is smooth.  Go slow and easy.  It takes time and practice. 

4 years ago

Use a good quality multiblad razor. plenty of lubricating shaving cream or gel, shaving oil is good also. Go with the lay of the hair to help prevent razor burn. DO NOT under any circunstances be tempted to use a dipiplitory. They don't make ice cold enough to quell the flames and you will be out of commission for a couple of days. Careful of the slight ridge on your taint. Nick that even slightly and you're guaranteed to have a bad rest of the day. Remember also that sweat is salty and salt burns. If you've made it all the way through with no mishaps then all you'll need is a couple of drops of mineral oil to make everything baby butt smooth. Do not apply scented lotion of any kind, they contain burning alcohols, you won't have that natural manly smell and taste buds don't like the taste of even light floral scents. Now that you're done go and have fun and please give us the details.

4 years ago

come to me--i shave all time for free gay men and straight