GothicPrincess's Blogs

The Creepy Goth Girl Who Horny For Skeltons Part 3 and 4 and 5 Comming Soon!

GothicPrincess Blog Last Activity 2 years ago 289 views 0 comments

Part 3 - Ariel and Marty r dating now and things in the village don't seem to update with things, The villagers hungry and wanting food to last them long, Ariel meets villagers and aids the whole village into food and more as she does Marty occupies her into the Journey of doing what she needs him to do.

Part 4- Ariel saves all the villagers and is known a Hero but does not accept it in a manner as she is not as sees it that way, Marty is trying to find her as he searches her room and smells her dresses to and awaits for her return as she has vanished into the wind to retrieve memories of who she was so we get to see how Ariel parents were before they abandon her and what they have done.

Part 5- Ariel finally appears back and is sad in tears of sadness and betrayal of her own flesh and blood, She finds out a hidden truth of the village and what they have done will she accept the truth or dwell on it and let her consume her? Marty helps her in a loving a toned way that makes her love him even more as he understands her whole life and what her parents done to her. Marty makes a change to the villagers and tells them that there awful for what they have done and more to come.




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