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How's Your Guardian Angel Treating You?
 When I was little I was told that everyone has a guardian angel assigned to watch over them. What this really meant wasn't clear, since I never was aware of any warning when I was "bad." -And when I began to masturbate there was no feeling that this might be a sin. After all, it was the greatest feeling and fun of my young life. If a guardian angel didn't stop me, what "good" was he?  Since almost 100% of boys "jerk off" a lot, maybe guardian angels don't fight the "problem." They could be useful if they could keep Mom from coming into the bedroom at the wrong time! Â
I feel the alarming and urgent need to leave a great Muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for Lili Kracov, my angel of darkness! And another one for pancakes, oao oreo, bibi delonge, ayyyyyjoel and all my good friends!
Your conscience is your guardian angel. Your sense of right and wrong. If you feel good when you masturbate, your conscience apparently finds it okay. And why not, after all, you’re not hurting anybody else.
Thanks Digidial36, I'm sure that guardian angels must enjoy watching us. Maybe they have "penis envy"?