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Our Canadian Adventure Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


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5 years ago

Chapter four is being loaded today.

5 years ago

Uncle Charles dropped me off in the leafy part of the city, he pointed in the direction of the skate-park, I thanked him and started walking,

I soon came across a large area with lots of teens and twinks enjoying themselves,

Tristan stuck out like a sore thumb, like me he was tall, not quite my height of six foot three, but only two inches shorter, his long sun-bleached hair lit up like a beacon in the Spring sunshine, he was surrounded by a large gaggle of beautiful people, there were several very stunning girls so it was hard for me to pick out Abby,

I walked toward them and one of his friends noticed me, he turned towards Tristan and said,

'This guy must be a relation of yours!' Tristen turned towards me and went crimson, a beautiful red-headed girl strode out to greet me,

'Is it Rory or Ben?' she asked me, I was completely thrown,

'Ben?' I said confused, wondering why she mentioned him,

'Hello Ben, I am Abby,' and she held out her hand, I took it even more confused, Tristen said,

'It's Rory Abby, my cousin', now she looked confused, Tristan took my arm and turned to the group,

'I am going to show Rory around, I will be back in an hour.' and he looked at Abby,

'Look after my board, I shan't be long.' and with that, he led me away from his circle of friends,

I turned to look at him, God, he was stunning, he called me beautiful but no, I know I am good looking, but Tristan was in a league of his own,  I matched his pace,

'I'm sorry Tristan, I didn't mean to surprise you, your friend gave the game away when he spotted me.' he wasn't smiling,

'What are you doing here Rory?' I looked down,

'I wanted to apologise for what I said last night, plus I love skateboarding too.' he stopped and turned to face me,

'I should be apologising to you for putting you on the spot like that, it was stupid of me, let's get some coffee and chat'. We strode towards a cafe at the edge of the park.

We ordered coffee, I wanted tea, but they serve it the French way, a small bag with a string attached, not for me.

I turned to Tristan who was looking very uncomfortable,

'Tristan, what the hell is going on? I don't understand!' He looked sheepish,

'It's all those DVDs Harry sent to us from Tuscany, and before that the Christmas party when that Japanese Prince awarded you that medal for saving his son, we watch it at Christmas, it was wonderful,

'Dad fooled me one day and showed me a film about you running down the beach, he said to keep watching, I did and was amazed when Ben joined you, I knew nothing about him,

Dad said you had met him at University, he too was the son of an Earl, and he was your best friend, that you called him your twin-brother-from-another-mother,

I could hardly tell you apart. I was so looking forward to seeing you again, and I had a little too much to drink, and you know the rest.'

He wouldn't look at me,

'Tristan, I get all that, I was looking forward to seeing you again too,' he said 'really,' and looked at me properly, his eyes were mesmerising, as blue and clear as mine but more intense,

'Yes, of course, I have very fond memories of us together ten years ago, you treated me with immense kindness, you're my favourite cousin, but are you that fond of me that you were going to offer your body to me?' he blushed again.

He looked a little sad, My heart went out to him.

'You looked directly into the camera one day, just a glance, but it seemed you were looking at me and that glance stole my heart.'

For a few, rare seconds, I had nothing to say, I just sat there, completely dumbfounded. I just had to ask.

'Tristan, are you gay?' he looked up and nodded, i reached forward and lifted his chin, his eyes met mine,

'But what about Abby? Do you think you can sustain a marriage with no temptations?'

'I have to Rory, do you really think i could tell the parents who adore me that I'm gay, i just couldn't hurt them like that!'.

I felt a deep sadness in my heart, the chance that this beautiful perfect boy, a boy that every cute guy would jump on, given the chance, could succeed,? very slim, almost non-existent.

'Tristan, haven't you been with any boy, ever?' he shook his head,

'How could I? Everyone knows who i am, it would get back to my parents, many of the boy's fathers are in the Society sponsoring your reserve, Kingsmere, do you understand?'

I reached out and held his hand, Tristen, how big are you,?' he looked at me, at first not understanding, then it hit him,

'Quite big, I have the family cock, why do you ask?

'Sneak into my room tonight and you can shag me as often and as long as you like.' he just looked at me, then smiled,

'Seriously!!' I was happy to see him smile,

'I would like to shag you but if your a virgin you won't be able to take my 8.5 inches, and it's very thick in the middle, but we could give it a go if you like,' I saw him thinking,

'That's a very big cock to take, how does James manage?' I smiled,

'I will tell you a secret only James and I know, James is the top in our relationship!' he looked vague,

'Top' yes Tristan, James fucks me, not the other way around, now do you understand?' he suddenly realised what I was saying,

'Oh that explains everything, while he was here I couldn't believe how you two managed, He is so tiny, now I understand, does it bother you?', I smiled,

'No, we love each other, I do get frustrated sometimes, I just love to fuck,' Tristan blushed, it was endearing, I was sitting there with a massive hard-on, and I realised so must Tristan,

I just started laughing,

'What's funny Rory,?' I looked up to see if anybody was watching and they weren't so  I stood up, I didn't need to say anything, my state was obvious, Tristan's eyes widened,

'You weren't kidding Rory', and we both laughed.

'I will tell you, Tris, I am so horny, I can hardly wait for tonight,' he put his hand in his lap, i couldn't resist, I reached under the table and felt his cock, he jumped, but I was impressed, he was big, as big as Ben, this was going to be fun,

'I will buy some lube on the way home' he blushed again,

'Tristan, it will be fast the first time, but persevere and practice makes perfect, i will stay an extra few days so you can get your hand in, not literally of course,' be both giggled like schoolgirls, we were both bright red with passion,

'Tristan, we better get out of here or i am going to bust a nut.' he agreed and we both, gingerly got up and headed for the door.

We both decided i wouldn't accompany him back to the skatepark, his inability to hide his feeling for me would complicate matters, instead, I said I would see him at dinner, I hugged and kissed him which made him as red as a beetroot, but his eyes sparkled

I left to explore the area, I had picked the best time of the year, the sun shone, people seemed happy milling around, I was my first visit to this city, and hoped it wasn't my last.

Was i wrong to help him this way?, I wasn't sure, but if he managed to get it out of his system, perhaps something good might come of it, then again, it might just worsen the whole situation, time would tell?

I was checking out the gay quarter, just for a look, and my mobile sounded, Aiden's name appeared on the screen, this can't be good, I tapped the screen and Adens very cute eager face appeared, he was Skyping me from the satellite phone,

Hi Aiden, what's up?'

He must have been alarmed by the look on my face,

'Oh, nothing Rory, i thought i would update you on how things are going, i have just got back from town and everything is organised.' I just stared at him,

'So there is nothing wrong Aiden!' now he really looked alarmed,

'No Rory, everything is working out fine.' I was relieved, but I pretended to be stern,

'Aiden, you do know that the satellite phone is for emergencies, and skyping with one costs about twenty dollars a minute?',

There was panic in his eyes,

'I am so sorry Rory, I didn't know that.' I smiled, i was relieved nothing was wrong and actually, I was really happy to see his face.

'It's my fault Aiden, I didn't tell you, but don't worry, we can afford it now.'

There was silence from the other end, for a few seconds, then he just said

'What!' I explained the grant from the Society,

'So we can Police the reserve properly, it means a large raise for you, all new clothes and guns the works!'

'I'm included?' he asked I was surprised by the question,

'Of course Aiden, you're the Foreman! the Manager! my right-hand man, I couldn't run the reserve without you, and your moving into the house permanently, once I have soundproofed James and my bedroom.' he smiled but there were tears in his eyes.

'Aiden, what's wrong, are you not well?' he wiped his eyes,

'i'm sorry Rory, I just miss you,' Now it was my turn to be surprised,

'Aiden, I have only been away for three days!' He looked down,

'I know Rory but I have never been on my own before.

'Of course, NOW i understood, he had only been out of the orphanage for just over three years, he lived in a dorm in town with other boys from the orphanage, a sort of halfway house,

He must be incredibly lonely, and the house was so isolated, the poor bugger, how insensitive and stupid I had been.

'Aiden, i am so sorry, it's my fault, i was so busy i didn't take your situation into my plans, it was very selfish of me, listen, knock off, go into the office, you will find a spare key on top of the gun cabinet, use my laptop, James is encrypted, and Skype me at four pm, and we can have a long chat, just stay in, get some steaks out of the fridge there are lots of channels on the TV, get something to drink and no more work until I get back OK?,  Aiden said

'Really!' all happy,  i replied,

'Of course, I can't have my best friend moping about all lonely, you might start to hate me Aiden?' That big smile reappeared,

'Your best friend?' he asked surprised, I nodded,

'I don't suppose a lovely and popular boy like you would consider me his best friend, but You are my best mate among the boys Aiden!' He dropped his eyes from the screen,

'Aw, you're just kidding me aren't you? Now I was surprised,

'Aiden, don't you believe me? If i was there i would be giving you a big sloppy kiss right about now!', he grinned at me.

'Just feed the birds, that's all. Oh by the by, if you go on the computer and click on, 'The Wild Birds of The United Kingdom' you will find reams of porn, something will get you wanking, just don't tell James, he doesn't know,'

Aiden laughed, 'Straight porn' he enquired? I smiled,

'Of course Aiden,' he looked surprised,

'And you watch straight porn?'I nodded,

'I swing Aiden, girls or guys, it's just sex, whoever or whatever turns you on, i have had a lot of girlfriends in the past, What did you think I was a screaming Poof?'

I actually saw him blush, I could imagine him standing there shuffling his feet.

'Good God no Rory, no-one could ever call you that.' I felt really sorry for him,

'Aiden, to be honest, I miss your ugly mug as well, I thought there was something wrong this morning when i woke up, then I realised, you weren't around, now fuck off and skype me at 4 pm, I will be waiting, OK?' he laughed,

'Thanks, Rory, I will,' That very sweet sile of his was projected on the screen,

'Do you know your problem Aiden?' the smile disappeared,

He shook his head, that mop of black hair brushing across his lovely face.

'You're just too cute for me to get angry with, now go and have a wank and DON'T think of me!'

He blushed bright red, I actually saw him look round in case someone could overhear, in the middle of a huge Estate.

'Skype at four and we can have a long face-time chat, and make sure you're dressed, otherwise, you will give me idea's, I saw him giggle.

'Thank you Aiden, seeing your face has really cheered me up', I blew him  kiss and said, bye.' the call ended,

Poor Aiden, it seemed we had another member of the tribe joining the inner ranks, and i was glad of it, he was a really sweet lad, we both liked him, me, a bit too much, and it wasn't lost on me that he said he missed me, not me and James. I wonder? Or was it wishful thinking?

I checked my watch, we were an hour behind where Aiden was so it was now just before midday, i decided to head back to the house,

I had packed a much smaller laptop, than my 24 inch wide one Aiden would be using, so i would potter about, phone James and see if he needed anything, and just spend some time with Aunt May, after all, the amount of time and effort the put in taking care of James, it was the least i could do.

I arrived back just after 1 pm, but Mary told me my Aunt had gone shopping with some friends and wouldn't be back until about 5 pm, but she added,

'Master Tristan, is home.'

I asked where he was,

'In his rooms My Lord,'

I asked where they were, she said at the top of the house, the floor is all his, i shot up the stairs and knocked on an elaborate oak panelled door, i assumed it was his main living room, i was right, a rather breathless Tristan asked who was it, I told him it was me, the door opened and a flustered Tristan grabbed me and pulled me in, he was wearing only boxers and a shirt, i guessed what he had been doing.

'Starting without me Tris?'I reached down, i was right he was hard, i reached up and kissed him, he kissed back, he was good, and he was eager, he was undressing me as he backed me into the room, I broke away,

'Tristan, i need a shower'. he stopped,

'You smell fine to me,'

'I Know Tristan but it's what we, sorry what i do before sex, do you mind? to be honest, you look a little flushed, care to join me?' he smiled, locked the door and led me through into an en-suite bathroom, where he started to strip, i joined in,

'I take it I interrupted you, Tristan, have you cum yet,?' he smiled, twice already.'

Wow this boy was eager, and my God was he stunning, a tanned surfers body with a nine-inch cock, as thick as mine topped it all off, this was going to be exciting and painful, I had forgotten to buy any lube !!!

All the time we showered, Triston never took his eyes off me, he even made washing me from head to toe a sexual act, he moaned as he washed my butt and dick, he rinsed me off then stared at me with lust.

Triston approached me with a predatory look in his eyes, that huge dick was pointing directly at me and pulsating, I hoped I wouldn't regret my offer to him, Time would tell!!

