A discussion is very hard because feelings are so passionate. I truly get physically upset hearing from passionate Trump supporters as well as their misconception of the progressive movement. I hate the bigoted, divisive and the uncompassionate stance of this government. Logically, I have to assume they have the same feeling for me. Hence we are at a Hatfields and McCoy's standoff. There was a time when civil discussion was possible and compromise was the order of the day. Sadly those days are gone for money and greed are now at the very heart and fabric of our government and our politicians. Politicians do not represent their constituents but rather their big money contributors. We are ruled by a fascist oligarchy getting stronger and stronger by the day. I am 75 years now and for sure my time on this earth is coming to an end but I cannot help to cry for the world my children and grandchildren will have to live in.
Its funny to hear Americans cry about freedom of speech and the right to protest, when just 20 minutes ago 600+ people got arrested for a peaceful protest against the Trump administration at the senate office building on capitol hill in Washington.
In the Netherlands, we just put a couple of fences to keep them out of sensitive area's and move important meetings to another building. Because unlike the US of A we actually let people protest and express their dislike to the dutch government.
But please, keep telling us that your way of government is so much better then ours.
6 years ago
that is impossible here to have a serious discussion. point in case...read below:
6 years ago
Here's a legit question? Who are the Dems going with for 2020?
Well, so much for discussion, good job Cody/Shadow! Damn that civility anyway.
6 years ago
if you want to listen to icecream stand here and lust over Maxine waters, then ya. Be my guest.
6 years ago
Absolutely ! How about "Lawrence v. Texas" & SCOTUS Justice Anthony Kennedy in 2003 casting the swing vote striking down Sodomy Laws in 13 remaining States ( guess which ones ) thereby allowing a citizen to engage in consensual adult same sex sex without fear of prison time ? Or earlier in '96 casting the swing opinion in "Romer v. Evans" protecting and defining homosexuals as an identifiable group worthy of hate crime protections ? Or "U.S. v. Windsor " paving the way for " Obebergefel v. Hodges " 2015 ? The Decision establishing our Gay right to marry ? All won with a swing vote from California RepublicanSupreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy ( a Reagan Appointee) .
Here's a job for James
A discussion is very hard because feelings are so passionate. I truly get physically upset hearing from passionate Trump supporters as well as their misconception of the progressive movement. I hate the bigoted, divisive and the uncompassionate stance of this government. Logically, I have to assume they have the same feeling for me. Hence we are at a Hatfields and McCoy's standoff. There was a time when civil discussion was possible and compromise was the order of the day. Sadly those days are gone for money and greed are now at the very heart and fabric of our government and our politicians. Politicians do not represent their constituents but rather their big money contributors. We are ruled by a fascist oligarchy getting stronger and stronger by the day. I am 75 years now and for sure my time on this earth is coming to an end but I cannot help to cry for the world my children and grandchildren will have to live in.
Its funny to hear Americans cry about freedom of speech and the right to protest, when just 20 minutes ago 600+ people got arrested for a peaceful protest against the Trump administration at the senate office building on capitol hill in Washington.
In the Netherlands, we just put a couple of fences to keep them out of sensitive area's and move important meetings to another building. Because unlike the US of A we actually let people protest and express their dislike to the dutch government.
But please, keep telling us that your way of government is so much better then ours.
that is impossible here to have a serious discussion. point in case...read below:
Here's a legit question? Who are the Dems going with for 2020?
Discussion of politics would be pointless here for the fact that we are all from different country's with different views and standards.
A lot of anger a lot of frustration four or eight years of Trump? how about TWO 30 years conservative Supreme Court appointments ...LOL
Well, so much for discussion, good job Cody/Shadow! Damn that civility anyway.
if you want to listen to icecream stand here and lust over Maxine waters, then ya. Be my guest.
Absolutely ! How about "Lawrence v. Texas" & SCOTUS Justice Anthony Kennedy in 2003 casting the swing vote striking down Sodomy Laws in 13 remaining States ( guess which ones ) thereby allowing a citizen to engage in consensual adult same sex sex without fear of prison time ? Or earlier in '96 casting the swing opinion in "Romer v. Evans" protecting and defining homosexuals as an identifiable group worthy of hate crime protections ? Or "U.S. v. Windsor " paving the way for " Obebergefel v. Hodges " 2015 ? The Decision establishing our Gay right to marry ? All won with a swing vote from California RepublicanSupreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy ( a Reagan Appointee) .
If you can keep shadow, msg and zoou out of it, it's doable.