JJ13's Blogs

First Time

JJ13 Blog Last Activity 7 years ago 1.2K views 9 comments

This is my first time blogging on this site so I guess it is an experiment for now but I will learn. Any advice would be great. I can say one thing all those narcissistic mean man hating abusers can stick a dildo wrapped in barbed wire up their asses and twist it around!! Don't be bullies and haters on this site go play with other mean haters because we don't need you here!!! 

Was I clear enough?

Here is my first blog and it is short and easy,

I find my self more attracted to smaller cocks. DO NOT get me wrong I love all cocks but I find smaller ones much more enjoyable. Am I weird on this? You can ask me why if you want.


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7 years ago

A lot of talk about verbal abuse being just as bad as physical abuse .... are there any sane people out there ?

"Hate speech" / "micro-aggression" etc etc etc  is simply BS started by left-wing lunatics who have virtually destroyed the education systems of the "western world".

READ  Orwell's "1984" and recognise that left-wing politics is about destroying freedom and western coulture.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones ... but words will never hurt me !"

Any blogs / comments you don't agree with should be ARGUED INTELLECTUALLY and NOT childishly calling someone names !

7 years ago

Because of my last well prior blog actually my first I was called a narcissist and this was my reply. Am I wrong? Not to because i want conflict but to learn from each other. I love all my brothers. JJ 

No I am not a narcissist. Maybe you need to look up and fully understand exactly what that word means because it appears you do not understand what narcissism is. If you are in society freely, like we are on here, then there is code of conduct we all must follow even behind fake names and screens. Often words hurt more than wounds and may never heal. Mental illness is not an excuse for hurtful behaviour. We ALL have mores (the essential or characteristic customs and conventions of a community. "an offense against social mores") we must follow. Would you let a depressed man hurt your child because he has depression? Or a BULLY on here drive a person to suicide? Yes sometimes it takes punishment to change a mans behavior mentally ill or not. Manson was mentally ill (professionally documented) but yet he never went free and nearly got executed. In your mind then we must all be narcissist. Was my statement extreme? OF COURSE! Would I ever do that? Of course not. It was to make a point and you know that. Verbal abuse of anyone is still abuse mentally ill or not. Point blank!!!

7 years ago

There's nothing wrong with any cocks. If they are working, all sizes and shapes are then all good. I don't judge.



7 years ago

Very good blog????????

7 years ago


7 years ago

Isn't it ironic that you don't like Haters,Bullies ,abusers but you see no problem with telling people to stick Dildo Lucille up their ass. and Narcissistic personalty disorder is a Mental health issue would you tell someone with depression to stick a barbed wire wrapped dildo up their ass.?.Are you a Narcissist? 

7 years ago

Dido wrapped in barbed wire?

That is the Lucille of dildos. 

7 years ago

Not weird,But you seam a little angry