syko's Blogs

anyone have the Matt Keading drugged by a frat vid?

syko Blog Last Activity 6 years ago 1.4K views 5 comments


I'm not sure if many GBTers read my blog, but if you are, do you know if there's a full copy of the 2 vids where Matt Keading is "drugged" by frat members who then have their way with him? just curious to see it since I read that he actually WAS drugged and didn't consent and was wondering if anything can be seen on the vids to prove it or disprove it. He was always one of my fav helix b0ys and she's still kinda hot (but not as much, imho) as a girl.




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6 years ago

This is her now days.

6 years ago

I don't know how a unconscious person can keep his legs up like that. It's all a act.


6 years ago

6 years ago

Is that the one with a blonde passed out on a short set of stairs with a bunch of guys taking turns fucking him?  If that is I swear I saw it once on this site.

6 years ago

ive heard the rumors but don't know,i hope its not true. hes a really cute dude, I haven't seen him as a girl would like too tho im sure shes hot!!  irregardless I hope the druging abuse rumors are false no one should suffer that