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What is Aleppo?

Blog Last Activity 2 years ago 414 views 10 comments

The dumb ass! My little brother and I were listening to this on the news today in my car. My brother, 14, knew what Aleppo was. Is this guy for real?


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8 years ago

A typical American politician. What would you expect?  He must be from Coyoteville Texas...

8 years ago

I watched this live on 'Morning Joe' and my jaw dropped when he asked, "What is Aleppo"....and he asked so unapologetically. UNBELIEVABLE!!!! The presidential candidates in this election ALL SUCK! And we can thank the 'do nothing' congress for pissing everybody off enough over the last eight years to create this sad situation.

8 years ago

just image search - what is aleppo - safe search off and you will be informed - for unbiased information look for bbc or reuters  there are other press organisations - helpful in providing facts 

8 years ago

Nobody is perfect, including the person in ur mirror. To paraphrase The Good Book: 'Let he who is w/o fault cast the 1st stone'. QED.

8 years ago

I'd be willing to bet that Trump doesn't know anything about Aleppo either. You could fill the Grand Canyon and the Marianas Trench with important details about governance that elude Trump. When questioned, he didn't know what the nuclear triad is either. That alone should disqualify him from assuming the position of commander-and-chief.

8 years ago

So embarrassing; I cringed watching him.....as if he wasn't done before, not it's really over.