Jayden's Blogs

Sunday's Quiz: What is the Name of this City ?

Jayden Blog Last Activity 8 years ago 473 views 4 comments

This is difficult! Just name the City and the Country (?)... actually this is already Quiz for Monday but for most of you it's still Sunday:) Cheers Boys and good luck!


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8 years ago

Thanks newcastlelad22 for the right answer and Sam for the rest information again:) Maldives is also a Muslim-majority country and a pretty tight one too... Ok, soon again a new question if you're not bored already? :) Thanks Boys again!

8 years ago

Rising sea levels, are you serious?

8 years ago

Male is the capital, largest city and one of the administrative divisions of the Republic of Maldives. The city is located on a namesake island south of the North Male atoll that is part of the Kaafu Atoll. It is two and a half kilometers long and one kilometer wide.
traditional seat of power and the palace of the old dynastic kings
The name comes from Malé mahaalay Sanskrit meaning "big house". The main island has more than 100 000 inhabitants.
Maldives, officially the Republic of Maldives, is a Southeast Asian country comprised of 1,199 islands, of which 202 are inhabited, located about 451 kilometers south of India. The land area is 298 km2 out of 21 372.72 km2 total area, including lagoons. The islands are grouped into 22 atolls and three isolated islands divided into 21 subdivisions called also "atoll" and each bearing the name of a letter Thaana. Male has been hit by a big tsunami in 2004. The earthquake of 26 December 2004 in the Indian Ocean
Located 2,000 kilometers from the epicenter, the Maldives has been overwhelmed by a first wave averaging 1.4 meters in height, recorded 3 hours after the earthquake by three gauges. When she pressed inland, she reached up to 3 meters high. This is small compared to the waves suffered by the other countries, but the maximum altitude of the Maldives is 1.8 meters so all the islands were badly affected. The toll of the disaster is 82 dead and 26 missing (1 April 2005), 4000 damaged buildings and 12,000 homeless. During the disaster, 30 000 of the 290 000 inhabitants were evacuated. Total losses are estimated at 62% of GDP of Maldives

8 years ago

Malé Maldives