Talking with a health care professional works believe me - Â you will NOT be judged
8 years ago
8 years ago
Experiencing anxiety, stress, thoughts of's nothing to be ashamed of....or taken lightly. Ask for help. The Trevor Project has peer councilors to talk with who understand and can help.....just call.
8 years ago
Don't wait....reach out.
8 years ago
Thank you Billy...and well said.
8 years ago
Something that guynmuskogee posted on another blog..... If you’ve had suicidal thoughts, you’re not weak or flawed, and you’re not alone. Suicide is one of those subjects that many of us feel uncomfortable discussing. If you're the one feeling suicidal, you may be afraid that you'll be judged or labeled "crazy" if you open up. Or maybe that no one could possibly understand. It's not much easier for concerned friends and family members who may hesitate to speak up for fear that they're wrong or might say the wrong thing. The important thing to understand is that feeling suicidal is not a character defect; it only means that the person has more pain than they feel capable of coping with. But help is out there. Talking openly about suicidal thoughts and feelings can save a life. So don't wait: reach out.
Talking with a health care professional works believe me - Â you will NOT be judged
Experiencing anxiety, stress, thoughts of's nothing to be ashamed of....or taken lightly. Ask for help. The Trevor Project has peer councilors to talk with who understand and can help.....just call.
Don't wait....reach out.