's Blogs

Being Christian and Gay?

Blog Last Activity 2 years ago 1.1K views 27 comments
Hi, I myself am both Christian and Gay, but what do you guys think of this; do you think its possible to be both? or is there a big clash and its one or the other. Just something thats been on my mind as i've been through a difficult time.

Cheers x


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12 years ago

Nice point just4today, don't think i have seen it JAck40boy30 but i may take a look :) and thanks for the positive comments guys x

12 years ago

Have you ever seen Prayers for Bobby? It's based on a true story. It might would cheer you up and help you understand better. However, it's very sad story, but I think it'll help you because your concern reminds me of that movie. :)

12 years ago

Sorry, but I believe that God loves us all, and is NOT a mean, punishing God. Your sexual orientation has NOTHING to do with your faith, or whether or not God loves us. By definition, God loves ALL his creatures and creations.
And another question you have to ask yourself.......
"Am I religious (Christian, as in your case) or am I spiritual.?" There is a HUGE difference between the two. Religious implies doing something because we are AFRAID. Spiritual implies we do the right thing BECAUSE it IS the right thing to do, and we believe in something greater than ourselves that direccts our actions to be proper.

PS Guys.....My inbox is always open. I would love to hear what you think of my idea!

12 years ago

There is no mention in the new testament about homosexuality, but there is in the old testament. This is a verse taken from the old testament: Leviticus 20:13 If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense. The new testament, however, claims that God is immutable; meaning he does not change his mind, and has the same ideals as he did in the old testament. You be the judge.

12 years ago

the american brand of christianity has less to do with Jesus and more to do with the republican right wing zealots.................
of course you can be both...absurd to think otherwise..............

12 years ago

As i understand it, a "gay christian" is the altimate oxy-moron.

12 years ago

Keep the gay - loose the christian. You'll be a lot happier without the cognitive dissonance between your true nature and superstitious nonsense. The idea that there is an invisible man in the sky watching everything you do and has a microphone in your head to listen to your thoughts is intuitively absurd on so many levels. You are a christian because you were programmed to be from an early age just like when the grooves are cut in a record it can play only one song. Religion, any religion, is like dragging an anchor behind you. It prevents you from moving forward and becoming - becoming WHO YOU ARE.

12 years ago

If you actually read the new testament which is after all the teachings of Jesus you will not find any reference to our lord condemning homosexuality.

12 years ago

hello , i am also christian and gay. i think the bible was wrote a long time ago. and if you think that no one didn't lay with a man with a man your wrong. they also say that jesus had every temptation know to man. so who did he think about and what man? don't worry i always think that i am doing wrong or sin. but god knew all before he put adam and eve here. that's only for us to make a choice. and i don't think that god whats us to be unhappy. he likes nudity. before they took the fruit. they didn't even think about the nudity, or wasn't a shamed about it. their will always be a lot of questions and no answer to everything. so be yourself. toby

12 years ago

Dont thank gods are real.

12 years ago

Politics and religion dont mix so why should sexuality and religion??Just asking?

12 years ago

You are who you are because of the big man upstairs. Not because of what you chose. I am not religious, so i say being gay in any religion is fine.

12 years ago

Don't confuse Christian with Church. Many "Churches" condemn gays. Christianity doesn't. Beware of bigotry in the name of the Lord.

12 years ago

Wow, this brings back memories. My family r practicing christians (penticostal). My gay bro has left the church because he is gay. I was brought up in their penticostal church, i chose not 2 go
(to my parents church) when i turned 18. I still go, every now

12 years ago

The Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ died on the Cross for our sins, so, absolved of our sins we may enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and what is this Kingdom of Heaven.......it is the rest of the UNIVERSE. We become Adam and Eve and we have the power to pick from the trillions of planets our own little Garden of Eden.

12 years ago

I like what alex17 said about God making us. Do you think God would create something or someone that offended him, NO. How can a believer say that anything God creates can be wrong, bad or anything other than a deliberate act of God? And if God has taken the time to create you then God surely loves you. God has given each and everyone of us the power and the freedom to live our lives as we see fit. However not everyone will live their life in a manner that God sees fit. To do it Gods way you have to be willing and able to accept God into your life. You've heard of and seen those 3D Stereograms? well not everyone can see the image hidden in them, much the same way as not everyone can or is willing to see God. You have to look throught the image to see the 3D Stereogram, so you have to look THROUGH life to see God. It's easy when you find the faith. God KNOWS you and God LOVES you regardless.

12 years ago

Thanks for all the responses guys, its been pretty reassuring. :)

12 years ago

@lakescruiser: yes some priests do it but many doesn't! They are all human beeings they make mistakes like all other people.

12 years ago

many priests in both the Catholic and Anglican chuch are gay..so how can they preach that homosexuality is wrong ?

12 years ago

Yes, you can be both. I am Catholic and, as most know, the Vatican frowns strenuously on homosexuality. That being said, one of my best friends is a Catholic priest and desptite my being gay and opposing political views, he is very accepting. He is one of the few people on Earth who knows everything about me and we can talk about anything. This has gone a long way in helping me accept myself and just relaxing about it all. He, of course, stands with the Church but looks at me through a "what would Jesus do" perspective. Just a note: he is not gay or a paedophile.

12 years ago

I came in here thinking i would see some negative responses about how you can't be both, but it's obvious we all are in agreement, they are not exclusive of one another. You are who God made you so you can't change that. The answers below are all right on the mark. Don't let the religious right convince you that they know everything. They are just judgemental (which by the way, Christ condems). - Love you all for your uplifting words.