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Nice comment to my old blog about Charleston very sad happenings: From user jachoph - 2015-07-06 04:19:11 IF all the black/purple/shit colored ppl were all out stealing every thing like the rest of the (N)igger's word and not in a church, they would no
How to stop this, I don't really want anything like this to my blogs, I'm sure 99% agree with their own blogs... Disgusting.
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9 years ago
I've complained to Nick about his racist comments and I encourage any one else who finds offence to do the same.
9 years ago
Racists are disgusting in general.
9 years ago
Jachoph has certainly popped up today.... There have been several comments on him on Nick's blog "Anyone have site issues?", hopefully between that thread and this-here one something can be done. (I looked on jackoff's page too, as I like to see one redeeming good asset about anyone (lost cause in this case), and was appalled at a horrible comment he made to a French guy WHO IS FRIENDS WITH HIM....)
9 years ago
Jay...I agree the comments are horrible. And, this user has a history of popping up and spouting off. Unfortunately there is little you can do. However, in general, it is an attempt to get attention and be noticed. Ignoring him and his ilk starves them of what they want so badly. Attention. Ignore him and his kind. They grow bored and disillusioned when they get no attention. just my opinion.