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Morning Thought...
<p>Sitting on my dock and looking at the beauty and peaceful of the place, my mind escapes and wanders in the wind and I think about everything that could happen if ..... If I could speak to the world, I would speak to him about his rivers Who run in the course of the years And reach my prayers, If I could speak to the men, I would speak to them about happiness, Without artifice, quite simply That it takes his source in our hearts, I would speak to them about the summers And of a large river of freedom, Quite simply I would tell them All that I hope for, Quite simply I would tell them All that I love, Quite simply I would tell them That spring will always come As long as we love. If I could change the things I would always take my time, to humanity I would offer a rose And to nature a bandage, If I could speak to the men I would teach them that the joy, Without artifice, quite simply Blooms in deepest self, I would speak to them about the winters, about the large Open spaces and the light, Quite simply I would tell them all what I hope for, Quite simply I would tell them everything I love, Quite simply I would tell them That spring will always come As long as we love, If I could speak to the world Before night fall, I would say that the hope remains As long as we love....Have a very nice and restful Sunday u !!</p>
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9 years ago
your beautiful Sam like the wind that touches the corner of my heart
9 years ago
Hoping you feel better soon Buddy and can return to work ..Hugs Sammy
9 years ago
Thanks Guys for your nice comments. Love u all..Hugzzz to all of you :)
9 years ago
Thank you Sam for your thoughts. Spend more time on the dock and reflect on your thoughts. What you posted is so beautiful. Hugz Ron xoxo
9 years ago
Je reconnais bien dans ces mots, le gars généreux et plein d'amour de la vie que tu es. Ce n'est pas vrai que la sagesse s'acquiert en viellissant. Tu es bien plus jeune que moi mais tu es le plus ''sage''des deux lol . Je sais que je ne serai pas membre de GBT pendant des années (peut-être encore quelques mois 100 ou 150 jours, je ne sais pas) Mais j'espère sincèrement garder contact le plus longtemps possible même après le ''trip'' GBT avec quelques amis de ce site et tu es un de ceux là Sam. Continues de reprendre des forces et fais toi gâter mon ami. Je ne voulais pas le redire (excuse moi) mais je le pense tellement TU ES UN GARS EXCEPTIONNEL (pardonne moi c'est plus fort que moi il fallait que je le redise 8) Bye ! Hugsss Jean
9 years ago
you're an incredible deep thinker. it's relaxing.
9 years ago
my mind escapes and wanders in the wind..... peace sam feel that brezze on my face too as i look out on to my wooded valley :) giles
9 years ago
Hope remains as long as we love. I love that. Thank you Sam. Very well written. ♡♥♡♥♡
9 years ago
If i could speak to the world i would wish for peace and harmony for all.Thanks for your words of wisdom Sam. Avoir un bon dimanche sam et Get Well Soon
9 years ago
oh my gosh, you're so philosophical today, sweet sam. such beautiful words. u could be the next wordsworth. hope your pneumonia is soon a distant memory, and I'm glad little kali is around to give u some good cheer! hugs from sumpy oxo
9 years ago
What thomas said :) hugs 2 u sam and thank u
9 years ago
Sweet, kind, simple and beautiful.....just like the man that wrote it...thank you Alexis Samuel for your words, your thoughts, your friendship..and most importantly for being you. Hugs..Thomas