marcosneto's Blogs

Are there any other autistic guys in here?

marcosneto Blog Last Activity 9 years ago 557 views 8 comments
<p>I am an aspie, and yes I don't have a proper social life, but to be prety honest I don't give a f*ck and I'm fine with that. What I want to know is if there are any other guys here who are either really socially awkward or fall anywhere in the austistic spectrum. </p>


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9 years ago

I'm not Aspie,but I am really socially awkward,. When I'm with two or more people my brain just shuts down. I feel more comfortable with one on one friendships. I don't know what to say. I just know I'm not like most. I feel way different. I get displacement and detachment a lot. Growing up I went to an alternative high school. Hmu if u want to chat more. DaRby

9 years ago

I read college level but math about 3rd grade

9 years ago

@Bluto, I am the same, maybe never extremely good with numbers? 1 am, just be you and enjoy

9 years ago

This is from a book I wrote describing myself:
I live alone, No one knows me.
I am a living ghost.
A shadow on humanity.
There is a darkness that envelops me. A horror, a demon.
There is an evil that all feel and because of this evil I suffer.
This evil affects everyone who nears me.
I can see the horror in their eyes when they see it and I suffer from their abuse caused by fear.

9 years ago

Asperger's for 50 years now. Lifetime of misery

9 years ago

hey marco, I'm not aspie, don't know...but had a good friend here who "was aspie and gay" and proud of it...may he rest in peace!!!!!!!!be yourself, this is a great community, b well, b

9 years ago

I have Aspergers too! :) Really bad at understanding people and thinks like bright lights and loud sounds I don't really like. Didn't think there would be anyone else who had it on here though! :) - HUGS! Jacob xx :)

9 years ago

The only spectrum I fall under is inept, awkward, un-coordinated and nerdy--ok, old, fat and hairy too. At least my bf thinks I'm hot! Don't make to much of your Dx. Being gay doesn't mean I have to like opera, give little dinner parties or own a shih tzu. Don't let anyone else define you. I did and paid the price for decades. Tx: you're a gay aspie, have fun with it!