austinpscottt's Blogs


austinpscottt Blog Last Activity 9 years ago 452 views 12 comments
<p>this is for my mum, and for others who may have lost someone recently;    its hard to let go, your heart churns up inside, I will miss her lots....</p>


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9 years ago

I feel for you Scott, been there, be strong for her and make these the good times.

9 years ago

We are all here to help you. Be with your mum as much as possible. Love you.

9 years ago

i offer prayers of healing to anyone in the community here. the people near and dear to our hearts will always be remembered.

9 years ago

sorry to my friends, but its not about me, understanding whats my mum is going through is important, and thanks for the love, and letting me know what to do for the best in these circumstances, just didnt know what to do, but I do now, love you all, scott

9 years ago

Hi Scott I have seen many times in my life especially my dad where he knew it was time to let go. None of us understand this but may I suggest one thing I wished I had done with my mom and dad, and its a good message to the young ones here.....don't let her last days go by without telling her (and I'm sure YOU do) what she means to you, that you love her, and thank her for all she did for YOU in your life growing up. To this day I regret I never said thank you enough, and wished I had after they passed. hugz Ron xoxo

9 years ago

it's a heartbreaking situation, scotty. sorry you have to face it.

9 years ago

Scott, I feel for you, it's a tough time and I was where you are 2 1/2 years mom was sick , doing good and then decided to give up, just enjoy your time together and make more good memories to add to what you already have, and remember she will never leave your heart or mind...hugs, b

9 years ago

A Perfect Mother
by Nicola Steel

Since the moment I entered this world,
You have cared for me like no other.
There is only one word to describe you,
That is in every way a perfect Mother.

In the years you have watched me grow
So many memories we can now replay.
You've been there to love and protect me,
From my birth to this very day.

When there's a cloud covering my path,
Or a problem I am about to face.
You'll be the one wipe away my tears,
And put everything back in its place.

Your warm touch is one of a kind,
So gentle to send me to sleep.
Your voice is one of an angels,
A beauty only you deserve to keep.

The way you always make me smile
And the way you play with my hair.
When I need to talk, you'll put me first,
So I know how much you care.

The sun in you're heart will continue,
To shine in the future in all you do.
The most special person in my life by far,
I'm happy to say is you!

9 years ago

Those words are so true, and I hope she passed peacefully.

9 years ago usually not in our control to set the time and place...each person makes their own path...nor is for us to take the responsibility for that decision....our job is to love them as they care...and assist them in their own journey....I know it isn't an easy path...been there...and yes it hurts...but all we can do is love and respect them as they make their own way forward. Hugs

9 years ago

just incase you take the wrong meaning out of my blog, my mum has given up on her life, she is bedridden, and the health system doesnt want to know any more, scott