trusgold's Blogs

gay brothers/lovers and rumors are swirling

trusgold Blog Last Activity 6 years ago 927 views 7 comments
I'm 21 and my brother is 20 and this chick that I wouldnt go out with is telling people she saw us kissing and we had a 3 way and I fucked my brother. These are lies but the lovers part is true. We go to Carnegie mellon and


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6 years ago

Pointless blog. Another Jerry Springer inspired pile of shit..

9 years ago

Since it is his blog...perhaps idle conjecture is inappropriate. He can choose to share what he wishes, but "amateur at best: diagnosis is not useful in the psychologists point of view.

9 years ago

One thing I appreciate about Nick is that (within limits) he allows a wide range of discussion on this site. I say within limits, and I'll always end up deferring to him of course (he can delete or ban at will). But he said it himself. Psychology is subjective, therefore in many instances they can make up rules as they go along, put it in their "Bible" (the DSM), and it is supposed to be accepted as gospel by both educators and law enforcement. Nick, respectfully, you said you took a "wild guess" and thought that this involves some early kind of molestation. Why? I knew of a couple of brothers (briefly) that claimed to have engaged in the same sort of behavior when young, and both married later in life. I dislike most psychologists almost as much as church officials. Both are ready and willing to immediately label something as "dysfunctional" often without having any hard evidence to back it up. Best wishes.

9 years ago

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." I didn't say that, it was William Congreve. If you were to ask me, I'd say that your relationship with your brother is none of the young lady's business. Too, if she's including herself in the supposed three-way, she's shooting herself in the foot. Fuggedaboutit.

9 years ago

If you care to continue with the blog post here, avoid too many spaces (not more than one space between words and sentences, and no special punctuation). In terms of what is "healthy" I must dissent. If no one is being harmed in the relationship, only you can decide what is "healthy" and what isn't. Only talk to a professional if you feel you need help. Best of luck.

"We see serious trouble when the psychology official becomes the priest, and begins to exercise the same authority over human life as did the church officials in the Middle Ages." - Alan Watts.

9 years ago

thank you for the time and thought. Its greatly appreciated.