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trouble with immigration
<p>Oh I haven't blogged I'm here quite a while but I do read them almost everyday when I'm on. Somebody you guys were read my profile you know that I got married earlier this year everything was going great. When the school semester ends for my boy usually goes home for two months back to Vietnam and then comes back in September. Will after we were married we went to immigration lawyer and proceeded with all of the formalities to go along with him being married to me. We followed all of the advice that our lawyer has given us and he went back. About three weeks after he had been gone the lawyer told us that they gave us incorrect information and now he is not eligible to come back under his current status. Is now five months later and still no resolution it looks like he's going to miss another semester for college. This is his senior year so I'm hoping that you will be able to get a visa to come back before January the start of his second semester. It is to say it's been pretty much A bummer because we're legally married and now I'm suffering the red tape of the United States government. Contacted my congressman my senator and they are helping but is everyone knows the wheels of the government turn very slow. I went out September and visited for 22 days. It was fantastic and today I'm getting ready to leave I'm going back for another 12 days and I just can't wait to be able to lie down next to the man I love. I hate having to blog this because it's a bit depressing but I just kind of needed to get it off my chest. And 18 hours I'll be in Vietnam and life will be good again.</p>
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10 years ago
we all hear your pain. Dam Government red tape. Sometimes telling your story to the main stream media seems to lift those Senators and members of congress off their collective asses a little faster. If you can handle the attention to your problem, that's where I'd go next. And maybe if your lawyer botched something...get a new lawyer. We all wish you best of luck and big hugz to you Ron xoxo
10 years ago
Welcome home
10 years ago
th for the kind words guys. Well I just got back from Vietnam for the second time. 12 great days with me in the man I love just relaxing on the beach going for massages everyday and eating tons of seafood. Hopefully this will be sorted out within the next few months. Again guys thanks for the great support
10 years ago
Good luck with your quest to get this sorted.Love will always find a way - hang in there.
10 years ago
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"....and we'll find a way to ship em out or keep em out! Hang in there....and have a safe trip.
10 years ago
Sorry to read this It just shows u that lawyers can get it wrong to and there advice can be wrong ...Best of luck for the future and i hope things work out for u and ur lover
10 years ago
wow what a rigamarole you've had to go wishes for the next stage:)
10 years ago
So sorry you are going through this. Hugs
10 years ago
LOVE you both - HUGS, Andy