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Coming out in school
this is for young peeps
its a hole lot easier to 'come out the closet' whn your in a school, if you tell someone who thn tells a friend thn it makes it alot easier on you rather th u havving to tell thm all yourself. also it opens up who else in the school you could get with, and your more than likley never going to see 3 quarters of the people there ever again anyway.try it, i did whn i was in schoool, and evrythin worked out gr8 :)
anyone else think the same???
its a hole lot easier to 'come out the closet' whn your in a school, if you tell someone who thn tells a friend thn it makes it alot easier on you rather th u havving to tell thm all yourself. also it opens up who else in the school you could get with, and your more than likley never going to see 3 quarters of the people there ever again anyway.try it, i did whn i was in schoool, and evrythin worked out gr8 :)
anyone else think the same???
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13 years ago
it all ,If you are new in the school then go ahead..but if youve been there forever and everyone thing your straight (because you never told them you´re gay) then Telling them now will be the worst decisions you will ever make.
13 years ago
This depends on the school. If a school has a well-established and well-enforced ant-bullying policy, then coming Out while a student might not be as traumatic as at a school where GLBT students are not protected and are subject to harassment and bullying. I do not think there is one answer for all in-the-closet students. Each one needs to evaluate their own feelings, their own sensitivities and vulnerabilities. the environment at their school and the situation with their own family before making a decision about coming Out. I've know quite a few gays who waited until they were in college before discussing it with their family. Some had good results and some did not. Far too many variables to offer a one-size-fits-all approach.
13 years ago
i haven't got the balls to do that yet i mean, 3 of my close friends know but my family and other people dont know. How do i over come that and tell them? I dont want my family to dis own me just because im gay. Please message me back some feed back lol
13 years ago
I would have never done that at school IMO that's the worse place you could choose to comeout even telling one friend it wont remain a secret for long... school is harsh at the best of times no need to give people more ammo.