's Blogs

Today...take the pledge

Blog Last Activity 10 years ago 427 views 9 comments
<p><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-1I58FUPj0bU/U3eeeluXnAI/AAAAAAAAAes/D7OxBBVr3Qw/s758-no/i Pledge.png" alt="" width="400" height="400" /></p>


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10 years ago

Yesterday Nick...you seem to live in a little bubble...guess it comes from privilege.

10 years ago

@Nickblack At an event about a week ago I was taunted by some homophobic person. I kept calm.. didn't argue back but his mood worsened. I went over to the guy who controls the sound and music and asked him to put a certain part of a music track on. Walked calmly back to this other guy.. and told the music guy to "hit it". Still looking at the homophobic lad I sang this part from 'Hairspray' "If you don't like the way that I look, I just don't give a damn....." he soon stopped hassling me and left lol

10 years ago

Just out of interest - when was the last time anyone was personally taunted, or assaulted, by a homophobe?

10 years ago

I'm daft at times.. crazy.. love to chat and laugh and I care about those I am close to a lot, and send plenty of hugs. I smile, stay friendly and polite. Oh... and my taste in clothes is not quite right yet lol. But... it's all this that makes me... well... ME! If the homophobics of the World don't like who I am... all I ask is they just forgive me if I ignore their taunts :)

10 years ago

Depends what you mean by 'fight' ...I prefer 'fights' to be fought (and won) in Parliament and the Courts, and by various communities around the world simply evolving...50 years ago in my hometown of Invercargill (by far the most 'conservative' place in New Zealand).... various things were considered outrageous - porn, divorce, single parent families, gays, tarts, pop music, long hair, drunkenness, atheism etc (and, I am sorry to say, it wasn't that easy for someone 'brown skinned' to get a job) ...whereas today none of that raises an eyebrow (even by people in their 80s who viewed it all with horror 50 years ago)....things evolve naturally by laws being enacted (or repealed) and attitudes changing when people see the World hasn't ended.

10 years ago

I go in the same Shops have the same clothes on eat the same things im no diffrent just a gay when will this stop

10 years ago

I still think calling it a 'phobia' is incorrect. Bigots are not afraid. They are just assholes.

10 years ago

I so pledge!

10 years ago

Damn right!!