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Watch Movie Together or Go Clubbing?
<p>I guess this question don't apply to me
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10 years ago
I love Mrs Doubtfire.. the film cheered me up a lot. I do a good impression of her too lol
10 years ago
I've never been a club goer. I prefer to socialize in a venue where I can hear and be heard at a normal speaking volume. So I would definitely prefer a movie, as far as the evening goes, or a good hike through the woods or canoeing on a lake or river, by day.
10 years ago
Watch a movie together, preferably at home.
10 years ago
I guess this question don't apply to me (well... I do watch a movie with my teddy bear! LOL). Anyhow... what would you prefer to do with your boyfriend. Would you love a night in with a good movie, or go out clubbing? If I had a boyfriend, I would love to cuddle up with a movie :)