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Abuse In The Workplace
<p>Here is a story about a gay man awarded compensation for abuse and harrassment by psycho employers <a href=""></a></p>
I was bullied at work when young as it was a place with lots of 40 plus
guys .I was nieve but when i became 19 i learnt to take no shit and i guess it was those older guys were i learnt to speack up for myself
and look out for new younger staff who offen get taken advantage off.
It taught me that bulling is not just in schools and that a Employer
can be one of the worst bullys if you let them get away with it.
chain of command /bullshit/ mentality/ system, not to take anything "out of the hall or district" ..a closed shop mentality, like the Police and Military, so they can bury problems internally, and cover up problems when needed ..but I did what I was required to do. Knowing the repercussions I would face, in retaliation, I decided to do so, then retire November 2004. 23 of these bully/accusers/pranksters/homophobes were hauled up on the carpet for their treatment of this new kid,and me. I went on sick leave 6 months and I heard these smart asses were all shaking in their boots when called in. 23 were reprimanded, got memos attached to their employment file..and 3500 got human rights training, and were warned! .. the "closed shop" Fire Dept. got egg on their face because senior officers, just sat back and watched and did nothing about homophobia, sexism, and discrimination towards minorities, that was found to be rampant and the Dept. was told to change it's attitudes, about whistleblowers, and it's internal hierarchy problems re human rights. Just as a footnote, police and EMS had vehicles in the gay pride parade for several years, but not the Fire dept. Well I mentioned that in my complaint, to enforce the homophobia that existed, and the next year the Fire Dept. had a vehicle in the parade. Also just to address one comment in another blog... ....sometimes it becomes necessary in the workplace to be a "rat/fibber" ;)Lmgfao!