Last Activity 11 years ago
<p>what are some gems out of the parents manual have your parents said once or a million times. we all have heard them...<strong>You just wait till your father hears about this.</strong></p>
My dad used to say "no staying out till the cows come home" which I always found interesting since the closest he ever got to a cow was a glass of milk, so how the heck did he know what time they came home?
"If you confess, it will go easier on you.".......consequently, I now believe that kids, certainly by the age of 13 or so, should All be having sex with eachother, the way the attitudes are in the scandinavian countries. the world might be getting close to being over, but regardless, by the age of 13, 14, whatever, "you should never confess", "you should have your own sex life" with your peers, age-wise anyway, and screw the dam parents if they cant handle an enlightened child...old conservative people are messing up progress. You just can't legislate morality. GOSH, at 18, two guys can now get married - grow up parents, the world has changed.
"You are going to put some bodys eye out with that"........"Let me tell you a thing or two!".........."What the hell was that."...... "I can't tell if that's a boy or a girls.".......Love you MOM!
11 years ago
"when you get your own place, you can do what you want". Thanks for giving me a goal, Mom.
11 years ago
Son, this is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you. Just before he started to whip my butt for doing something he warned me would "get me the strap" if I did it. The strap was his belt. I figured he was bluffing. He wasn't. As he was whaling away on my ass I kept saying to myself: Dumb! Dumb! Dumb! This was a recurring minuet between me and my Dad. You'd think I would have "wised up" and stopped daring providence. But as my Dad often said your (my) head is solid teak, the "densest" wood there is! He was such a joker! lol Dad! :))
11 years ago
growing up I thought my name was butterfingers...a bit of a clutz.//first time I went away was to navy sub school/basic training...finally I got home..came in..knocked a lamp over with my sea "mikes home"...I still laugh about that..
11 years ago
"You'll eat everything on your plate or no dessert". Seriously, with that food, can I eat the plate instead? SMACK! Ok Mom ok, I'll eat it...
omg this made me laugh so much when you posted....I used to love climbing this tree we had, and going on the garage flat roof...."get off there you will break your neck" none of my friends ever broke our necks lol another gem when I was real young .. "get home before dark or the boogeymen will get you " omg another... "eat all the food on your plate there are children starving" ..I once replied who/where can I send this terrible meat loaf?" .... that one got me a humorous whack lmao!
11 years ago
get off the computer and go 2 bed
11 years ago
"Did you clean your room?", "yes', "Let me check".
11 years ago
You're not going out in that, are you?"
11 years ago
I dealt with that problem by never wearing undies! What my parents didn't know wouldn't hurt them right? To this day, I still "go commando"! I like to swing free and easy! Ah haha! lol :))
"I can't tell if that's a boy or a girls.".......Love you MOM!