alex2006's Blogs


alex2006 Blog Last Activity 11 years ago 655 views 6 comments
I uploaded a video and i need to delete it but i have no option to do that, and i cant contact anyone from GBT to help me do that


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11 years ago

BE CAREFUL what you upload. Pics and vids are embedded into a complicated operations system. Type text can be removed a lot easier and Nick18 has added this option for Blogs and Wall posts. To have OTHERS dipping into the PROGRAM would cause a terminal crash and affect play quality as well. It requires The Administrator to conduct this removal. Might sound a bit pissy but FACTUAL, it takes time for these special requests and Admin is busy fixing 'bugs' and soon to launch Phases 2 and 3 of the upgrade. be patient for a bit and address these request to Admin by way of PM and not as a Blog.....Good Luck and HUGS!!!!! Andy

11 years ago

The "genie is out of the bottle", guys. It can't be put back in again! That's why you need to think twice before you hit the "upload" button. In GB it's called "using your loaf". Cockney slang is so kewl don't you think? lol ;))))))))))))

11 years ago

Hi guys.
I have same problem.
I try many times write to moderators, but nothing happened, no answer.
I dont know what can i do.....

11 years ago

While the remove button will remove the video's association with your account, it will still exist on GBT. To remove it entirely from the server, you have to talk to Nick or one of the admins. Good luck.

11 years ago

There should be a Remove list underneath the video you uploaded on your page. Never use it but I would suspect that would remove the video from your files. Good Luck

11 years ago

same here . I want to delete one of mine!!