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Blog Last Activity 11 years ago 575 views 10 comments
So this just happened 20 minutes ago (so like 8:30 pm ish)...

The doorbell rang all of the sudden, as I was watching the Oscars Special on ABC. My dad sighed in frustration while lounging lazily on the couch, "You open it." I thought it was probably my stupid communist neighbors at the door. They probably want us to jump start their crappy car again. I've been antisocial this entire day, and I wasn't too keen on starting now. I walked over in my Sunday attire: a sweater and basketball shorts, and unlocked the door. I opened the wooden entry door, but didn't open the glass pane exterior one. I stared outside. Two young guys greeted me, but I remained staring blankly. I then realized I was being rude and quickly opened the glass door. A chilly and unforgiving gust blasted to my legs. It caught me by surprise, since I've been either sleeping or eating all day and I didn't expect it to be this cold. The two guys were about 17-18, I suppose. The lighting wasn't great, but I could see that they wore stylish black coats and dress shirts with ties underneath. The dirty blond (with a few freckles?) on the left smiled at me and said something like, "I'm from ____ Church." "Oh no, not Jehovah Witnesses," I dreaded. "..and at this time?!"

I tried to remain cool and be an "average teenager" during the conversation. I lied I have an final project to complete and that I don't have much time for them. The taller brown haired guy on the left cleverly questioned me what it was about and that caught me off guard a little bit. But the rest went easily and surprisingly I wasn't creeped out. I even initiated a line, noting how cold it was, genuinely cuz did I feel bad for them being out there. I guess because I wasn't being rude they said they're gonna be back again another time. We shook hands, and exchanged names. I remember the blond one's hand was surprisingly bigger than mine (and colder). After they left, my dad asked me who it was and I answered plainly, "Mormons." I paid attention to the TV again when suddenly he asked in a comical tone, "Why did you talk to them for so long?" We're supposedly "Christians," but we haven't been to church for a long time. Because of this, he's not too crazy on religion himself (thankfully). On the matters of Mormons, he told me when I was very young that they're "wrong" and not really "Christians."

That question provoked me to record such an insignificant event of my life. I've been bullshiting to religious ppl at the door all my life, so what made this time special? I didn't even notice that I did talk to them for a longer time. Then upon thinking about this question, I realized that it was because, BOYYY were they hot, or cute at least. Now, I REALLY regret being in my weekend hobo attire. The dirty blond(!) was the shyer one, who didn't talk as much and that made him even cuter... They can't be gay, I know that, but speaking to them was sure interesting. Now that I look back at it, I find it even to be very funny. I plan to tell this story to my best friend as soon as I see her tomorrow and proudly too. I'm glad I finally have a funny story about my sexuality to tell, instead of the gloom and doom. Thanks for reading and hope you liked it.


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11 years ago

Dam wish that was me i would have got on my knees and let them get off in my mouth and change there relgion text my cell lets chat 731 446 2590

11 years ago

now that I look back at it, there is a possibility they might be gay. I was raised christian, and I'm gay. Religion, from my own experience, has no part in sexuality, or genetics for that matter. maybe the blonde was, we just don't know. like funky said, it must be very difficult for either of them if they were though.

11 years ago

You should have somehow separated the two, got the blond alone, and invited him back later so it would just be the two of you. Do it with a seductive smile, a lick of the lips and maybe your fingers tracing the outline of your cock. Just because someone belongs to a church that is hostile to gays doesn't mean
he isn't gay. He may be trapped by his life circumstances where he has no choice but to go around annoying people by pushing the religion and culture that he was born into but deep down inside desperately wishing he could break free of. And what better way to break free than to feel a rock hard cock sliding into your ass. I fucked a young guy awhile ago who was a Mormon. It was the first time for him and he went absolutely wild. For once in his restricted, controlled life he was finally free to be himself and he couldn't get enough. As far as your blond boy, the fact that he was shy is a good sign that he was gay. The shyness indicated that he may be hiding something or holding something back that he didn't want others in his world to know. You just may have let a pretty one get away.

11 years ago

hehehe, good story. I've only every had old lady Jahova Whitness types come to my door. They don't normally seem to want to stay long and give me some Watchtower publications, which are always great for a laugh.

As for Mormons not being allowed to be gay, that's both true and untrue. They are acknowledge gay people and their right to live, but if you're a mormon you're expected to be celibate or still marry a woman. It seems like a shitty way to go through life.


11 years ago

That was interesting. Thx for sharing some of your life. And welcome to GBT BTW. :) (((hugs))) :Dennis

11 years ago

Year thats weird Mormans are always good looking like they just select them for looks.

11 years ago

Cool story man. I have something similar with Mormons, I was one my way home from work about a few months before getting laid off in 2011 and they were waiting at the same bus stop. We started talking the whole bus ride home well for them at least since they both got off before me. One was cute and could not get my eyes off him. To bad he was not my because I might of did other stuff with him. LOL the good thing he was around my age and was training to be a football player. The funny thing is that I bumped into him a few months later when I was going to see a movie with my best friend.

11 years ago

i too had a set of mormons visit me at an apartment in the 80's..one guy was real cute and young..i had them come in and talked for a little while..i would have not let them in except for the one boy..i can't remember the second guy..he may have returned with a bible maybe..i can't remember..interesting..thanks for the good story..

11 years ago

This is so funny because it reminds me of what I did in middle school. I couldn't resist listening to the two cute guys trying to sell me on their religious beliefs. I invested a lot of Saturdays on them. Totally worth it haha.