's Blogs

What can we do about these shootings

Blog Last Activity 12 years ago 1.2K views 54 comments
My dear friends I have listened to people online (not just here) piss and moan about gun control and such. It seems that this horific event has touched everyone deeply. We are all trying to figure out a way, any way to fix it. The simple truth is we can't. It has happened all we can do is learn from it and move on. there are a great many people (who in my opinion dont know what they are talking about) shouting gun control.I mean no disrepect to anyone's country but it is so easy to sit on the outside and critize. I said it before and I will say it again, laws will only have an effect on those who abide by laws. Evil people and criminals will get guns if they want them. China for example, no citizen may own any kind of firearm. Only the military may own guns. The criminal element must not have gotten the memo when I lived there for 2 years when i first became a Doctor murders and robberies by armed criminals were just as prevalant as in the USA or any other country! If you romove the sale of guns totally from the USA then you simply create a more profitable enterprise for the illeagle sale of firearms to the criminal element. Evil will always find the tools to commit its deeds. The things we need to stop doing is IGNORING THE WARNING SIGNS!!! This shooter was only 20 years old! It was already Illeagle for him to own firearms anyway. Neighbors interviewed said "he was a troubled young man" JESUS H CHRIST HE WAS A FUCKING TROUBLED YOUNG MAN!!!! This is what I mean when we notice that your neighbor is a "TROUBLED YOUNG MAN" LETS NOT TURN AWAY SAYING OH HE IS JUST A WIERDO!!!" Those days are past people, call someone and report him. if he turns out to be harmless fine. Remember that mother in Missouri recently who found a reciept for a gun in her son's pocket. She called the cops and they arrested him and he confessed to planning a mass shooting at the premier of the latest Twilight movie! My hat is off to her! She had suspicions and saved who knows how many lives! We need to take our heads our of our ass and be vigilant, look for suspicious people! Let authorities know dont think "its Business, ITS all of our business!!!" Lastly again for those who still think gun control is the answer, if this evil person was hell bent on his rampage do you not think he could have just as easily made pipe bombs? You can find instructions on the internet and buy ingredients at any hardware store WITHOUT ANY KIND OF PERMIT OR LICENSE! Ask any suicide bomber in Spain or London.


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12 years ago

Come on Guys its Xmas Eve for Most of you and lets just have peace at Xmas and
live in harmony for just 24 hrs at least.Merry Xmas to u all.xo

12 years ago

Fine then stay out of our country, dont ask our country for help, dont ask us for aid dont come here on vacation see how the world does if we close our borders and withdraw.

12 years ago

USA WAKE UP!!! Stop excusing this madness by saying it happens all over the world, therefore it's OK. If it's happening in YOUR country it's YOUR problem!! You use the excuse that your constitution allows you all to bear arms but as soon as anyone mentions restricting that right you bleat on about how difficult that would be because every state has its own laws. PATHETIC!! The solution seems simple to me. As I understand it (as a UK citizen), the US constitution does allow everyone "the right to bear arms", but by definition, arms means "weapons", ie guns, knives, etc; by definition it does NOT include ammunition. As far as I can tell the US constitution does not specifically allow ANYONE the RIGHT to carry ammunition. If you want to own guns, rifles, assault weapons, well OK have as many as you want. But it's high time your Government placed severe restrictions on the purchase and possession of ammunition. See, Adam Lanza wasn't old enough to buy or own firearms but his mom was and so he just took hers and shot her first because he was mad at her. Why? Because she KNEW he was disturbed, she KNEW he was a danger to others and she wanted to have him committed, she was TRYING to have him committed. And he found out. And went on his murderous rampage. So what good are these "safeguards" about "well if you think someone's a danger just report them to the authorities"? What would they do anyway? Just wait for proof is my guess, by which time it's too late. If Lanza's own mom couldn't get him locked up before it was too late what chance would the neighbours have had?
As for putting even MORE guns out there, people have said that if the guys in that Aurora, Colorado cinema watching the new Batman movie had been armed, the gunman there (James Holmes) would have been taken out early and lives would have been saved. Are you crazy?? WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON??? Imagine fifty people or so, all armed, in a dark cinema, and all shooting at once with no idea who or where the bad guy is .... No-one would have walk out of there alive.
And now today we have more good news from the Home of the Brave, the Land of the Free ... firefighters targeted by a gunman when they attended to put out a house fire. On Christmas Eve. Inspiring stuff.
Proud of yourselves?
You can beat your chests and cry your tears for the wasted innocent lives but while ever you insist on your "right to bear arms", while ever there are arms dealers operating legally on your streets and in your shopping malls, you are all compilicit in murder.

12 years ago

July 22, 2011: Confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik kills 77 in Norway in twin attacks: a bombing in downtown Oslo and a shooting massacre at a youth camp outside the capital. The self-styled anti-Muslim militant admitted both attacks.

April 30, 2009: Farda Gadyrov, 29, enters the prestigious Azerbaijan State Oil Academy in the capital, Baku, armed with an automatic pistol and clips. He kills 12 people before killing himself as police close in.

Sept. 23, 2008: Matti Saari, 22, walks into a vocational college in Kauhajoki, Finland, and opens fire, killing 10 people and burning their bodies with firebombs before shooting himself fatally in the head.

Nov. 7, 2007: After revealing plans for his attack in YouTube postings, 18-year-old Pekka-Eric Auvinen fires kills eight people at his high school in Tuusula, Finland.

April 26, 2002: Robert Steinhaeuser, 19, who had been expelled from school in Erfurt, Germany, kills 13 teachers, two former classmates and policeman, before committing suicide.

April 28, 1996: Martin Bryant, 29, bursts into cafeteria in seaside resort of Port Arthur in Tasmania, Australia, shooting 20 people to death. Driving away, he kills 15 others. He was captured and imprisoned.

March 13, 1996: Thomas Hamilton, 43, kills 16 kindergarten children and their teacher in elementary school in Dunblane, Scotland, and then kills himself.

Dec. 6, 1989: Marc Lepine, 25, bursts into Montreal's Ecole Polytechnique college, shooting at women he encounters, killing nine and then himself.

Aug. 19, 1987: Michael Ryan, 27, kills 16 people in small market town of Hungerford, England, and then shoots himself dead after being cornered by police.

America does not have the only nuts with guns

12 years ago

Another one - poor buggers http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2252856/Christmas-Eve-gun-horror-Two-firemen-shot-dead-assault-rifle-gunman-set-blaze-lure-deadly-trap.html

12 years ago

yeh jus celebrate being alive

12 years ago

Lets give it a rest..Its Xmas time.A time for peace and a time for family.
Just celebrate being alive and wish ,for a happy NEW YEAR

12 years ago

crazy americans, buy more guns, more, more kill more, more you do not w a k e u p. no gun kills anybody, it must be a crazys person to do that. and there you have enough !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so sorry, my english is not perfect

12 years ago

I feel so sorry for all that lost there lifes and familys but usa you do need to look at your gun laws how many off our schools been attacked by people that are allowed to buy weapons in a shop answer NONE and hope that will allways be the same uk might have problems but our shops sell food etc not guns to kill

12 years ago

This blog has taken a complete turn from the original post to personel comments and that is not the intension of a blog. A blog is about opinion sharing and debating the other persons view by respecting them even if you dont agree with them. I agree with Alan, Peter is a valued member of GBT and has always been very kind to me and to everyone else I have seen him have contact with. I didnt get involved with the payalot and jed clampet crap even though I did read some of the comments and the Peter I have come to know and respect dosen't resemble those comments in anyway. I for one dont want to see him leave GBT its time to stop this and give and accept the spirit of the season goodwill to all men (especially the gay ones)

12 years ago

Defeatist nonsense. The problem was brought about by the "2nd amendment apologists" - they know who they are: and they know that they purposely misconstrue the amendment to bolster their failing/failed machismo. Once the ball started rolling, all the vermin that use guns inappropriately followed. Care to compare the rates of street killing and other gun related atrocities here in the UK with the states? The answer is self evident: work towards making public possession of guns illegal - except, perhaps, in organised sport, and show no mercy to those caught possessing or using guns. Heaven knows, you have enough prisons to lock 'em up in - preferably for a very long time. The message will filter through eventually. Guns = prison - no negotiation.

12 years ago

I would take that bet! I happen to think that Peter is a valued member of GBT

12 years ago

3 hearty cheers for that! :P HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (i bet thre r 500 members wishin u wuld fuck off an leave them alone to!)

12 years ago

I have no ill feelings about anyone on here ecxept you, that is why I have blocked you and will no longer respond to you in this or any blog you are just too immature to deal with

12 years ago

Mr Cutkiwi, I am myself dont accuse me of being others

12 years ago

I see mr pickles is up to his old tricks - Jed clampet, payalot etc - an usin fake profiels to "lower himself" to the ocasion. Relly sad bugger aint he?

12 years ago


12 years ago


12 years ago

You know Kiwi, you just dont get it do you? somehow you think you are just above the rest. Well I am just happy to know that you are just a boy, with an attitude and jelious of others that have a successful life. You are still at the point where you think your dick is the high point of the day. One day your youthful appearance will be gone and you will no longer be able to trade on your looks and then you will be talking to some young sarcastic smartass online and he will think he is oh so much better than you and you will suddenly realize you can buy 10 boys just like him in vegas for the weekend and never miss the money. You are a successful Doctor he is a schoolboy from a country smaller than many of our States. He knows nothing about life yet because he hasnt lived it. All he knows is what he has heard other say, so he repeats it. I realize now I let you push my buttons. Shame on me, so go on back to bed kid. I am done with you

12 years ago

mr pickles the reson u aint had any boyfriends aint because u were fat and/or ugly haha (work that one out for yrself babe) ;)

12 years ago

Mr Pickles - i think i know teenage boys a lot beter than u do! when u is in a school with 900 teenag boys all day for yers on end u can just look evryone up an down an tell who is who. It aint rocket science.
U shuld read that news articel link an the other reports bout this murder, see what this cunt did to that poor woman.