mlant's Blogs

What is your idea of a perfect Christmas day?

mlant Blog Last Activity 12 years ago 489 views 3 comments
Ideal Christmas day? Having a fun time with my friends and family at Christmas dinner. When everyone is gone, with only the flickering lights of the tree and the crackling noise of the fire place, making sweet passionate love to my boyfriend in front of the fire place and feeling his orgasm as he cums inside me. Then a long cuddle while watching the fire dance.


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12 years ago

santa gets stuck in my chimney and i go to his sled and steal all the toys..or i look up the chimney as santa is cumming down and get a face full.

12 years ago

wake up in a small bungalow in Koh Samet, small paradise island. Just white sand and Coconut palm trees around you. For brunch Tom Kha Kai with steamed rice and ice cold Torres Fransola white wine... the rest I could loan from cutkiwi's blog, meaning cute boys... but mr. kiwi is professional, maybe I'll ask him some details for the rest :)

12 years ago

wake up - have sex with cute boy; eat food - have sex with anohter cute boy; open presents - have sex with another cute boy; drink lots - have sex with yet another cute boy; watch the Queens message - have sex with yet yet another cute boy. That bout sums it up for me - eat, drink, presents an sex with 5 yummy boys :P