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It's So Sad!
My friend that I was talking to told me of the CT Shooting that happened this morning. I go on ABCNews and the story just broke me down. 2 gunmen shoot at an elementary school leaving 27+ dead. It's so sad. I have three nieces, two in elementary school and 1 in middle school. Yes, they live on a military base and all....but imagine if that was them...I just couldn't hold myself anymore. That's why I am going to enjoy every moment with them today because I never know when something will go wrong and I never see them again. I would go crazy. Those gunmen ought to be hanging their heads right now...I just can't believe this. I feel it's one of the worse shootings to have ever happened to this nation. will these kids feel next week....or in a month...or even a year. The thought is just gruesome right now in my head. I ask God to bless everyone right now that is in the middle of this crisis and pray that justice will be served and that the community can help one another in this time of need.
on behalf of all the members in the UK we offer our deepest sympathies to all the bereaved families.
FYI, explosives are MUCH EASIER to obtain in the US than fire arms so evil will continue till people get their heads on straight. Prayers for ALL
The most Dangerous City in the US is Detroit.
Why is it that you Drive just up the freeway
and theres Toronto where Crime is fairly low.
Two cities that are so close yet so different.
Ranking of the 50 most violent cities in the world in 2011
Position City Country Homicide People Rate
1 San Pedro Sula Honduras 1.143 719.447 158.87
2 Juarez Mexico 1.974 1335890 147.77
3 Maceió Brazil 1.564 1156278 135.26
4 Acapulco Mexico 1.029 804.412 127.92
5 Central District Honduras 1.123 1126534 99.69
6 Caracas Venezuela 3.164 3205463 98.71
7 Torreón (metropolitan) Mexico 990 1128152 87.75
8 Chihuahua Mexico 690 831.693 82.96
9 Durango Mexico 474 593.389 79.88
10 Belém Brazil 1.639 2100319 78.04
11 Cali Colombia 1.720 2207994 77.90
12 Guatemala Guatemala 2.248 3014060 74.58
13 Culiacán Mexico 649 871.620 74.46
14 Medellin Colombia 1.624 2309446 70.32
15 Mazatlan Mexico 307 445.343 68.94
16 Tepic (metropolitan area) Mexico 299 439.362 68.05
17 Vitoria Brazil 1.143 1685384 67.82
18 Veracruz Mexico 418 697.414 59.94
19 Ciudad Guayana Venezuela 554 940.477 58.91
20 San Salvador El Salvador 1.343 2290790 58.63
21 New Orleans U.S. 199 343.829 57.88
22 Salvador (and RMS) Brazil 2.037 3574804 56.98
23 Cucuta Colombia 335 597.385 56.08
24 Barquisimeto Venezuela 621 1120718 55.41
25 San Juan Puerto Rico 225 427.789 52.60
26 Manaus Brazil 1.079 2106866 51.21
27 São Luís Brazil 516 1014837 50.85
28 Nuevo Laredo Mexico 191 389.674 49.02
29 João Pessoa Brazil 583 1198675 48.64
30 Detroit U.S. 346 713.777 48.47
31 Cuiabá Brazil 403 834.060 48.32
32 Recife Brazil 1.793 3717640 48.23
33 Kingston (metropolitan) Jamaica 550 1169808 47.02
34 Cape Town South Africa 1.614 3497097 46.15
35 Pereira Colombia 177 383.623 46.14
36 Macapá Brazil 225 499.116 45.08
37 Fortress Brazil 1.514 3529138 42.90
38 Monterrey (metropolitan area) Mexico 1.680 4160339 40.38
39 Curitiba Brazil 720 1890272 38.09
40 Goiânia Brazil 484 1302001 37.17
41 Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality (Port Elizabeth) South Africa 381 1050930 36.25
42 Barranquilla Colombia 424 1182493 35.86
43 ST. Louis U.S. 113 319.294 35.39
44 Mosul Iraq 636 1800000 35.33
45 Belo Horizonte Brazil 1.680 4883721 34.40
46 Panama Panama 543 1713070 31.70
47 Cuernavaca (metropolitan area) Mexico 198 630.174 31.42
48 Baltimore U.S. 195 620.961 31.40
49 Durban South Africa 1.059 3468087 30.54
50 City of Johannesburg South Africa 1.186 3888180 30.50
SOURCE: Citizen Council for Public Security and Criminal Ju
Almost all the 50 Countries are in America,None in Europe and none in Asia.
It really is, still the Wild West were killing is Rampant.
Columbine - 16 dead, easily prevented; that cinema shootin a few weeks bak a dozen dead - easily prevented; hundreds of murders a yer with guns - easily prevented; now this school - 27 dead, easily preventd. Will there be a crackdown on guns? not on yr nelly! taking guns from loons is impingin on their 'rights' and 'freedoms' - but bakground checks an wiretaps an survalience on dull boring suburban accountants in Wyoming is ok (Wyoming being a hotbed of terror trainin camps - so u cant be to careful! hahaha). Am i the only dude gettin the point here?
many people as possible in one Rampage. I have no pity with people that take inocent lives.
Weather there a Terrorist or your next door neighbour.