's Blogs

Is it ok, when gay people (mostly mens) decide to live isolated voluntarily?

Blog Last Activity 2 years ago 519 views 8 comments
A new question: is it ok, in your opion, when a gay man decides to live isolated voluntarily, without friends, family and so on? When he is a little bit mysanthropic? All gays are other. No gay is equal. Some people need more space for them than others. In the past time often, today sometimes, gay mens lived isolated, with books and art, donĀ“t visit often events, cut the contact to the family, to friends, former classmades and have a job, but not interessted to interact with the collegues by private. Some say, oh this people are cracy, they need help etc. But do they? When you decide to live in such a case, for you it is ok. For your environment maybe not. But you must decide, how you want to live. No one forced you to live without people, but no one forced you to live with people. The main thing is: you are lucky, when you are lucky, when you are isolated, itĀ“s ok, when you are lucky with people, itĀ“s of course ok. BUT YOU must decide! Think of that and when you have a (young) man in your neighbourhood, in your class, your university, your job etc, who is a little bit excentric and lives quite isolated, donĀ“t cry with him. Give him a chance and you will go to an other world! Not every people, who are socialiced, are normal and not every people, who lived isolated, are crazy!


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2 years ago

This blog is at least 9 years old and the OP is no longer. However I will give my tuppence worth.

Every person lives in isolation, we live inside a bubble of our own making. Some live in small bubbles with little room for anything other than oneself. Others live in rather large bubbles, big enough and flexible to accomodate more than often is needed.

My bubble is big enough for my needs and no more. Those needs change as my mood changes.

That's life.

2 years ago

a shrink may say anyone who lives this way is running from something or ashamed of some part of their life or even body. i think in the long run they regret this life style yet, solutions are few.Ā 


12 years ago


12 years ago

I want to be honest- I live this way too. For me, itĀ“s enough to have the art and my movies ( :) ) to watch, more I didnĀ“t need. But the most people donĀ“t understand such a lifestyle, in a conservative country like Germany, I think, it is more difficult than in the open and libertine USA. I watched everything, I hear the birds, hear the sound of the street, it is a little bit metaphysical. But I didnĀ“t need anyone to live with me. I wouldnĀ“t marry a man, I can not live with a man in one house, to have him as a friend for some meetings, itĀ“s ok, but to live together? No. In former times, there was a lot of poets and writers, gay and hetero, that lived in such a way. The most people say, they was like a monk from an abbey or an eremit. And the most of them was lucky- really, when you read some of the diaries, they decided it and have more of the things of life. They didnĀ“t waste it with drinking or make parties and have contacts with people, that are mostly not honest to them or abuse their faith. Last, I am lucky in this lifestyle. But I hope to get more accepted here in my area, because in a free country you should have the possibility to live like you want.

12 years ago

To each his own - it is an individuals choice. Can be a handicap if the person changes for human contact. They often become awkward with association and communication. "NO man is an island".

12 years ago

That's funny, because that's pretty much how I live. Especially now that I'm older (52). I have very little contact with others by my choice. Haven't talked to my sister or her kids in over 2 yrs. I have 1 close friend in the town I'm now living in, but that's it and that's pretty much ok with me.
Even when I was in good health and still working in California, I kept to myself after work hours, which alot of friends (work) couldn't really understand. I don't enjoy big groups or crowded places and sometimes dread just having to go to the store. Always try to go in off peak hours.
I guess I am kind of weird but oh well, I'm pretty content.

12 years ago

I have a friend whom live like this description. Did you wrote this description from him?
I am confused there may be many people living like it. It seem to me, he may be, it is healthy. My friend have his share of friends.
It seems to me that the greatest respect that we can show someone is not trying to impose our beliefs, ... or lifestyle.

12 years ago

Wow that question is so deep. I believe that anyone has a right to live how they want to live as long as they dont hurt anyone. But I also believe that your life is more complete with someone you love. That doesnt mean you have to live together and it could be someone far away and as the Bible says " love one another because love is of God and the person that loves is born of God and knows God because God is love"