1antoniomac's Blogs

help explain this

1antoniomac Blog Last Activity 12 years ago 633 views 2 comments
So while at wrestling practice I was taking a break after a real tough practice match so I go over to my friend and lay on his lap and he just kept playing on my phone what am I suppose to take this as or am I just reading to much into this


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12 years ago

It was four of us in the room and I laid my head on his lap while the other two wrestled we have never did anything sexual or talked about anything sexual
Ps. He younger than me so im not trying to do anything with him unless he tries im not going to make any strong moves toward him

12 years ago

more info needed. were there other guys around at practice? when you say lay on his lap was it your head or body? have you guys ever come close to fucking around with each other or have any sexual talks.... let us know